this morning, sorry afternoon, two donkeys woke me up to go watch movie, one donkey named Shenn and the other Ricardo. one donkey even had the cheek to say i am queen today, so everyone must listen to what i say. the other donkey kutuk the new working man for wanting to rest. eventually, me being the ever Mr. Nice obliged them. got up, took my bath, got dressed, started my car and was about to leave. when i see my mom waving at me; phone call.
just to list some of the excuses these two donkeys gave me, sigh...
EVENTUALLY, i ended up watching movie with them, Navein decided to join as well. 'Aeon Flux' (did i get the correct spelling) is a movie to watch if you wanna see Miss Theron's curves, other than that it is S-T-U-P-I-D. i can't remember who i was having this conversation about watching Teri Hatcher in her prime and he said 'Lois and Clark'. has anyone watched 'Two Days In the Valley', Hatcher and Theron in it and its worth it (from a guys point ler).
Apek said he wants to play badminton tomorrow, see if he calls me and spoils my sleep again, otherwise i am sleeping thru out the day. i have to apologize, i have not been reading anyones blog since i went to Melacca, such a bad blogger, thanks guys for still reading mine. Melacca has my mind fully engrossed on 'other' things..
Merry Christmas all and if i don't see you, Happy New Year too (whats happy about it i don't know but, yeah...)
Monday, December 26, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
the working adult...
how many times did we wanted to bitch slap our working friends who started talking about responsibilities, standing on their own two feet, being grown up and having no time to spend with us bummers. well i speak for you guys, A WHOLE FUCKING LOT...
the other day i was talking to Ric and he was like so you coming back for the Christmas weekend, and i went yeah, told him about how my parents are driving up to penang and he asked me if i am following with, instictively i told him, no i am working the next day! fuck me trice, i have become an adult. losing all sense of youth, fun, extreme measures of risk taking and weightlessness. for instance i opened a bank account today, and they offered me some savings plan where by in 10 years i can make around 15K, automatically i agreed to it as well. the old Raj would have said; 'bye bye suckers, i'm spending it on Uncle Jack...'
working is fun though, i am enjoying the process of learning new things everyday. though sometimes i am a little scared i am coming off too strong to certain people. i have the tendancy to intimidate, not intentionally. it's my nature and i know i will pay the price for it, someday if not soon.
yesterday i went to the night market at uptown with Navein. we humiliated St. Johns High School. i wanted to buy a wall clock for my apartment in Melacca and Navein picked one out and said it had a built in alarm, which, didn't actually. so the guy there said where got wall clock with alarm then everytime you wanna set it you have to take it off the wall. Navein said; 'sorry, i budak St. John, tak belajar lar..' and the shopkeeper was like, 'What year you went there, i am class of 76...!' -booya biatch.
i'm driving back on tuesday morning straight to work, so till then i think i wanna sleep. i'm (quote unquote Ricardo Ang Wee Keong) TIRRRREDD LARRR from getting up at 6 every morning. oh oh oh the worst part is i have no water heater, fuck! and my housemates or colleagues are making me look for a hard surface table every now and then to bang my head on. long story, for the details call me up, we'll go for drink and talk about it.
the other day i was talking to Ric and he was like so you coming back for the Christmas weekend, and i went yeah, told him about how my parents are driving up to penang and he asked me if i am following with, instictively i told him, no i am working the next day! fuck me trice, i have become an adult. losing all sense of youth, fun, extreme measures of risk taking and weightlessness. for instance i opened a bank account today, and they offered me some savings plan where by in 10 years i can make around 15K, automatically i agreed to it as well. the old Raj would have said; 'bye bye suckers, i'm spending it on Uncle Jack...'
working is fun though, i am enjoying the process of learning new things everyday. though sometimes i am a little scared i am coming off too strong to certain people. i have the tendancy to intimidate, not intentionally. it's my nature and i know i will pay the price for it, someday if not soon.
yesterday i went to the night market at uptown with Navein. we humiliated St. Johns High School. i wanted to buy a wall clock for my apartment in Melacca and Navein picked one out and said it had a built in alarm, which, didn't actually. so the guy there said where got wall clock with alarm then everytime you wanna set it you have to take it off the wall. Navein said; 'sorry, i budak St. John, tak belajar lar..' and the shopkeeper was like, 'What year you went there, i am class of 76...!' -booya biatch.
i'm driving back on tuesday morning straight to work, so till then i think i wanna sleep. i'm (quote unquote Ricardo Ang Wee Keong) TIRRRREDD LARRR from getting up at 6 every morning. oh oh oh the worst part is i have no water heater, fuck! and my housemates or colleagues are making me look for a hard surface table every now and then to bang my head on. long story, for the details call me up, we'll go for drink and talk about it.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Nomad's log...
the year is 2005...
so after 25 fucking years i am finally gonna be a working, whoa....
i gonna kinda move to melacca tomorrow, gotta meet a house agent at 9am. he said he's got about 7 houses to show me. i know this is suppose to be a big move on my part to move out and away from my parents but i am so not like nervous or worried or anything for that matter. being in MELACCA is more on my mind than actually moving there. i probably just stay inside the factory whole day and never leave. but knowing me, i'll end up crying on the pier everynight.
today i met up with Michelle, a long lost friend. it was nice to see her and Michelle, sorry to hear about your relationship and hope you are happy with your decisions. you go woman! Ric and Shenn i am not talking to you anymore!!!
later i'm gonna go meet up with WK, been awhile since i saw that donkey. last i saw him was when i crashed my car more than a year ago. damn that was one spin i'll never forget.
i'll try update my blog from Melacca, i'll use company resources, heaheahe, later...
so after 25 fucking years i am finally gonna be a working, whoa....
i gonna kinda move to melacca tomorrow, gotta meet a house agent at 9am. he said he's got about 7 houses to show me. i know this is suppose to be a big move on my part to move out and away from my parents but i am so not like nervous or worried or anything for that matter. being in MELACCA is more on my mind than actually moving there. i probably just stay inside the factory whole day and never leave. but knowing me, i'll end up crying on the pier everynight.
today i met up with Michelle, a long lost friend. it was nice to see her and Michelle, sorry to hear about your relationship and hope you are happy with your decisions. you go woman! Ric and Shenn i am not talking to you anymore!!!
later i'm gonna go meet up with WK, been awhile since i saw that donkey. last i saw him was when i crashed my car more than a year ago. damn that was one spin i'll never forget.
i'll try update my blog from Melacca, i'll use company resources, heaheahe, later...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
i got a pair of 8's and nothing else, what'ya got?
a simple game, 5 card draw. call it..
i think its about time i started taking my blog seriously, i used to average 1.3 post a day with my old blog. what happened la (besides the obvious of NOTHING)?
time for an update. lets see, where do i start;
okay, in total i've sent out 243 resumes, with only one interview call. i've gone for 3 walk in interviews, 3 interviews with job agencies (all 3, same agency) and i'm registered with 3 different agencies. i've sent 197 online applications, with almost all of them no replies. just a few coming back with the standard 'although your resume was impressive, we've choosen to go in a different direction....' replies.
Enzo is spoilt. mom, dad and brother thinks he is the golden dog decended from the heavens to enchant our lives. he has been sleeping on my moms bed for the past 2 weeks, he has literally bitten everything in sight and reach of his puny little mouth. he has pissed and pooped every inch of the house. though his ticks and flees are no more i still feel like squeezing the mutt when he sleeps on my bed. stupid dog!!! he forgets i am KING of the house. oh and he likes batman the animated series.
i can now be officially considered FAT and BROKE.
Navein is returning from UK tomorrow. though for only 2 weeks, it'll be great to see that over grown monkey again. he should be on the flight by now.
i've started writing a lot. sometimes i look like a serious writer, with my cigar and crystal ashtray, oh and brandy next to me, i want Tequila instead!
my phone is barred so anyone expecting a return call from me can wait for the moon to melt.
badminton isn't exactly helping my psychical state. my right arm hurts and completely lacks the strength to lift a jug filled with water. my heel is still hurting badly too, i think i have an Achilles Heel condition, my mom forgot to bath my heels in the magic river also.
speaking of Achilles, i finally watched Troy yesterday and dying to watch HBO's Rome also another series called 'Commander in Chief' staring Geena Davis as the first American Woman President. oh btw, did you anyone know Geena Davis has the IQ of a genius? speaking of things i wanna watch, i wanna watch Justice League and Samurai Jack uninterupted and this new animation called Avatar on Nickelodeon.
i downloaded 'Moment in the Sun' and completely understood what it was all about but just couldn't even remotely relate to it, 25 fucking years being alive and at the moment i can't even say;
and when it hit the end where Clem Snide goes;
for some fucking reason my eyes lite up and my spirits were calm, just as i was about dwell into what he just said, 'Viva La Rasaaaa' screamed on my computer. a life so far back, yet not to far to turn back; 'I lie, I cheat, I steal...'
my house has been pouring in with wedding invitations from friends and family. since i'm not really interested in going to any one of them, here's to the newly weds;
'I hope that their first child be a masculine child...' - Luca Brasi
heahaheahehae, the words; 'Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes tonight' come to mind too but thats another story, not today.
btw, does everyone have a favorite tv theme (anyone don't have one, i can recommend a few)? i think everyone should a favorite. nope instead i think everyone must have a favorite, it should be mandatory like you new MyKad or else Paul Nipkow and John Logie Baird will be kicking themselves in cable heavens.
peace out...
i think its about time i started taking my blog seriously, i used to average 1.3 post a day with my old blog. what happened la (besides the obvious of NOTHING)?
time for an update. lets see, where do i start;
okay, in total i've sent out 243 resumes, with only one interview call. i've gone for 3 walk in interviews, 3 interviews with job agencies (all 3, same agency) and i'm registered with 3 different agencies. i've sent 197 online applications, with almost all of them no replies. just a few coming back with the standard 'although your resume was impressive, we've choosen to go in a different direction....' replies.
Enzo is spoilt. mom, dad and brother thinks he is the golden dog decended from the heavens to enchant our lives. he has been sleeping on my moms bed for the past 2 weeks, he has literally bitten everything in sight and reach of his puny little mouth. he has pissed and pooped every inch of the house. though his ticks and flees are no more i still feel like squeezing the mutt when he sleeps on my bed. stupid dog!!! he forgets i am KING of the house. oh and he likes batman the animated series.
i can now be officially considered FAT and BROKE.
Navein is returning from UK tomorrow. though for only 2 weeks, it'll be great to see that over grown monkey again. he should be on the flight by now.
i've started writing a lot. sometimes i look like a serious writer, with my cigar and crystal ashtray, oh and brandy next to me, i want Tequila instead!
my phone is barred so anyone expecting a return call from me can wait for the moon to melt.
badminton isn't exactly helping my psychical state. my right arm hurts and completely lacks the strength to lift a jug filled with water. my heel is still hurting badly too, i think i have an Achilles Heel condition, my mom forgot to bath my heels in the magic river also.
speaking of Achilles, i finally watched Troy yesterday and dying to watch HBO's Rome also another series called 'Commander in Chief' staring Geena Davis as the first American Woman President. oh btw, did you anyone know Geena Davis has the IQ of a genius? speaking of things i wanna watch, i wanna watch Justice League and Samurai Jack uninterupted and this new animation called Avatar on Nickelodeon.
i downloaded 'Moment in the Sun' and completely understood what it was all about but just couldn't even remotely relate to it, 25 fucking years being alive and at the moment i can't even say;
How beautiful I'll be
but in a normal sort of way,
like I am you and you are me...
and when it hit the end where Clem Snide goes;
When it's my moment in the sun
I won't forget that I am blessed
but every hero walks alone
thinking of more things to confess...
for some fucking reason my eyes lite up and my spirits were calm, just as i was about dwell into what he just said, 'Viva La Rasaaaa' screamed on my computer. a life so far back, yet not to far to turn back; 'I lie, I cheat, I steal...'
my house has been pouring in with wedding invitations from friends and family. since i'm not really interested in going to any one of them, here's to the newly weds;
'I hope that their first child be a masculine child...' - Luca Brasi
heahaheahehae, the words; 'Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes tonight' come to mind too but thats another story, not today.
btw, does everyone have a favorite tv theme (anyone don't have one, i can recommend a few)? i think everyone should a favorite. nope instead i think everyone must have a favorite, it should be mandatory like you new MyKad or else Paul Nipkow and John Logie Baird will be kicking themselves in cable heavens.
peace out...
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
combustion quest
so as i was sitting on the sofa last week, seeing that my parents had taken Enzo with them leaving me to myself, something came over me and i ran away from home. yup you read it correctly...
so i drove up to Ipoh and spent the night in Mohan's place. man i have to say, i love your house though it is a little big for my liking. oh and trust me, i really didn't wanna pretend to be such a nice guy infront of your parents it just happened =P. we spent the night talking and talking and talking and boy was there so much to talk about. somehow i think there is still stuff to talk about, eh dude? well anyways it was nice to see your face, hope i'll see it again.
so then the next morning, despite sleeping at almost 4a.m., after watching Exorcism of Emily Rose, i got up at around 7a.m. and drove up to Penang, where i spent the next 2 days with a 3000pieces jigsaw puzzle but my aunty and i only finished like one fifth of it.
on saturday i was back in KL and so the journey continues. my friend Mohan went back to the UK before that i drove him to Prem's house, met Prem's mom and sister (who reminds me of Rapunzel, cause of her hair). played badminton on sunday, sucked extremely and slept for the rest of my days...
so i drove up to Ipoh and spent the night in Mohan's place. man i have to say, i love your house though it is a little big for my liking. oh and trust me, i really didn't wanna pretend to be such a nice guy infront of your parents it just happened =P. we spent the night talking and talking and talking and boy was there so much to talk about. somehow i think there is still stuff to talk about, eh dude? well anyways it was nice to see your face, hope i'll see it again.
so then the next morning, despite sleeping at almost 4a.m., after watching Exorcism of Emily Rose, i got up at around 7a.m. and drove up to Penang, where i spent the next 2 days with a 3000pieces jigsaw puzzle but my aunty and i only finished like one fifth of it.
on saturday i was back in KL and so the journey continues. my friend Mohan went back to the UK before that i drove him to Prem's house, met Prem's mom and sister (who reminds me of Rapunzel, cause of her hair). played badminton on sunday, sucked extremely and slept for the rest of my days...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Thursday, November 10, 2005
tattoo SIFU...@#$%^&
so yesterday, i was at the post office waiting my turn, when this elderly uncle (the tattoo sifu, read on and you'll understand why) approaches me;
'is that a real tattoo boy?'
(do i farking look like i was gonna get a phony tattoo on my wrist but obviously to this guy)
'errmm..yeah it is'
still not leaving me to my business, at 9am i am still not in a very chaty mood, not that i am always in one, especially to nosy old uncles
'must have been expensive, i hear tattooes are expensive?'
(oh god, goooo awayyyy...why not ask me if it hurt)
'it is'
so for the next 7 minutes the uncle continues to bug me about his theories on tattooes and about people who get them;
1. women who get tattooes are hot
2. hot women who get tattooes are horny
3. Indian women who get tattooes are sluts
4. guys who get tattooes are trying to prove something
5. Indian guys who get tattooes are in a gang
6. rowdy looking Indian guys who get tattooes, sure ex-convict
you farking idiot, you better have a tattoo hidden somewhere up your butt to be such an expert on tattooes, you 50 year old fart, i hope you get murdered by an ex-convict in your home while watching Astro.
p.s; HE WAS INDIAN!!!!!!
'is that a real tattoo boy?'
(do i farking look like i was gonna get a phony tattoo on my wrist but obviously to this guy)
'errmm..yeah it is'
still not leaving me to my business, at 9am i am still not in a very chaty mood, not that i am always in one, especially to nosy old uncles
'must have been expensive, i hear tattooes are expensive?'
(oh god, goooo awayyyy...why not ask me if it hurt)
'it is'
so for the next 7 minutes the uncle continues to bug me about his theories on tattooes and about people who get them;
1. women who get tattooes are hot
2. hot women who get tattooes are horny
3. Indian women who get tattooes are sluts
4. guys who get tattooes are trying to prove something
5. Indian guys who get tattooes are in a gang
6. rowdy looking Indian guys who get tattooes, sure ex-convict
you farking idiot, you better have a tattoo hidden somewhere up your butt to be such an expert on tattooes, you 50 year old fart, i hope you get murdered by an ex-convict in your home while watching Astro.
p.s; HE WAS INDIAN!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
the things i learnt today...
having not slept since last night, i left for Toyota service centre about 7am, on the way there i saw a beige Volvo S40 next champaigne Fiat Marea at a traffic light (God hates me). well, reaching there at 7.20, i was the first customer. which was great, change one left front absorber and tyre. how long can it take...
*83 Toyota's had already pulled into the service centre and 51 of them were Vios'
*i had to explain 3 times to the service engineer what needed to be done with my tyre
*all none moveable items (such as TYRES AND ABSORBERS) are not kept in house, there are stored in their warehouse in farking Sg. Buloh
*my car is still waiting for its parts
*finally met someone with the same enthusiasm for cars in a service centre
*absober had been changed but now sitting in the bay for a tyre
*it has been a long time since i had roti canai
*i think i am dyslexic when it comes to reading Malay (Utusan Melayu newspaper at the mamakstall)
*saw my car leaving the service centre, probably for a test drive
*saw my car leave again
*saw my car leave again
*saw my car leave again
*saw my car leave again
*note to self: not even Ralf Schumacher goes out this many times to test 1 piece Goodyear 15 inch tyres.
*service engineer tells me my car is ready but it'll take until 3pm for it to be washed...'kita bukan saja kena cuci encik punya kereta sahaja...'
*note to self(loud enough for entire service centre to hear): SEVEN HOURS TO CHANGE ONE ABSORBER AND ONE PIECE TYRE, THEN ONE HOUR TO WASH MY CAR? doesn't that sound ridiculous...
the next halfhour
*spent in the managers room, with a chilled box drink of Yeos Soya Bean, telling him how ridiculous it sounds that they needed 7hours to change two of the most easiet changeable parts. had 3 service engineers come up and say you're car will be ready in a couple of minutes.
poor manager, it was his first day taking charge at this branch and he had me to come in this morning but it was nice of him to give me his personal number to call the next time i am coming in. so all the time i spent in Toyota i leave and i realized that the whole time i was there i was really not bothered about anything, cause i was only thinking about her.
i go over to my tint man, put up the 8inch tint above the front windshield, he tells me about his new arrivals. side rear views cover with turn signals, gotta get it next month. i reach home, around 5 and there it was 'Save The Last Dance' playing (God really hates me). time to just sleep...
p.s; Happy Birthday, my Princess...
*83 Toyota's had already pulled into the service centre and 51 of them were Vios'
*i had to explain 3 times to the service engineer what needed to be done with my tyre
*all none moveable items (such as TYRES AND ABSORBERS) are not kept in house, there are stored in their warehouse in farking Sg. Buloh
*my car is still waiting for its parts
*finally met someone with the same enthusiasm for cars in a service centre
*absober had been changed but now sitting in the bay for a tyre
*it has been a long time since i had roti canai
*i think i am dyslexic when it comes to reading Malay (Utusan Melayu newspaper at the mamakstall)
*saw my car leaving the service centre, probably for a test drive
*saw my car leave again
*saw my car leave again
*saw my car leave again
*saw my car leave again
*note to self: not even Ralf Schumacher goes out this many times to test 1 piece Goodyear 15 inch tyres.
*service engineer tells me my car is ready but it'll take until 3pm for it to be washed...'kita bukan saja kena cuci encik punya kereta sahaja...'
*note to self(loud enough for entire service centre to hear): SEVEN HOURS TO CHANGE ONE ABSORBER AND ONE PIECE TYRE, THEN ONE HOUR TO WASH MY CAR? doesn't that sound ridiculous...
the next halfhour
*spent in the managers room, with a chilled box drink of Yeos Soya Bean, telling him how ridiculous it sounds that they needed 7hours to change two of the most easiet changeable parts. had 3 service engineers come up and say you're car will be ready in a couple of minutes.
poor manager, it was his first day taking charge at this branch and he had me to come in this morning but it was nice of him to give me his personal number to call the next time i am coming in. so all the time i spent in Toyota i leave and i realized that the whole time i was there i was really not bothered about anything, cause i was only thinking about her.
i go over to my tint man, put up the 8inch tint above the front windshield, he tells me about his new arrivals. side rear views cover with turn signals, gotta get it next month. i reach home, around 5 and there it was 'Save The Last Dance' playing (God really hates me). time to just sleep...
p.s; Happy Birthday, my Princess...
Monday, November 07, 2005
that'll do pig...
i think i should criticize them more often for the way they play, then they'll win more games, eh...
i think i should criticize them more often for the way they play, then they'll win more games, eh...
Friday, November 04, 2005
somber season..
i'm the biggest sports nut i know, i watch all kinds of sports but my true passion lies with Formula One and a distant second Man Utd. i've been following them since the days of Sharpe, Hughes, Mclair and Bruce. seeing one the best Formula One seasons ever finish last month, i've got nothing much to look forward to but football. oh yeah though Michael Schumacher and Ferrari had the worst season since 1999 (when he broke a hig in Silverstone) i still thought it was unbelievable the way Alonso took on the giant McLarens and the Iceman. one of the best moves ever in the history of Formula One, Alonso on Schumacher at 130r Suzuka, on the outside, fuck me heaven doors that took balls. okay okay, before i go too far into F1...
its not like they lack in quality, serious shit they're packing some mighty mean players, Nistelrooy, Rooney, Ronaldo, Scholes, Ferdinand. i mean just cause a few are out injured shouldn't affect the way the team plays. since the day Giggs and Keane joined Man Utd they've been two of the most influencial players on the pitch, if they are in the zone, there is no stopping the Red Devils.
i used to hate Gary Nevile, cause he made some of the worst mistakes and then yell though it wasn't his fault. but last year he proved why he is Ferguson's number one choice rightback, so now he is injured, but hey there is still quality in the squad, there's O'Shea, i've seen him run circles around Luis Figo before. Alan Silvestre, one hell of leftback he should take over for the injured Heinze, middle i've got no idea what is wrong with Ferdinand, he is fucking up far too many times, he looks more comfortable taking the ball forward from behind, rather than bringing it under his authority when its brought into his yard. Fergie's got his work cut out for him.
MU had one of the most feared midfields in Europe. with Keane and Scholes in total command of central, Beckham and Giggs flawless on the flanks, today, with Keane and Giggs injured, Scholes suspended, Beckham sold (which i still think is United's worst decision ever) clubs like Middlesborough are running thru the middle like hot knife thru butter. we've got Alan Smith, not too shaby but he's got a lot to learn if he's gonna be the holding midfield player. Darren Fletcher? what is he doing out on the filed? he is clueless as to what is the idea of the game? got skills doesn't cut it. i think Veron did a better job than him. but you know seriously, ever since Paul Ince left, Keane did a wonderful job and no one else can seem to fill his shoes, there was Veron, there was Djemba Djemba, there was Luke Chadwick, oh god this is horrible..
upfront is even worst, Ronaldo and Rooney, great penetrating the defence of other teams but they forget that they are flank players, the man upfront is you connection, FOR FUCK SAKES GIVE HIM SERVICE, instead these guys are going for glory without any AFFECT AT ALL. we've got Nistelrooy in the best form he has ever been in years, up front alone without service. Alex Ferguson keeps forgeting, he is not Thiery Henry, he can make the goal happen, not all the time, he is dangerous in the 6 yard box and outside his efforts are futile, so get you flank players to to give him more serivce. and the 4-5-1 formation sucks, go for the 3-5-2, strengthen your defence, and get someone to help out Nistelrooy. Saha is out injured and poor Solkjaer still not recovered yet.
its really getting embarrassing to see Man Utd lose out to clubs like Boro 4-0 and Lille 1-0. the players are really playing as though they are demotivated or something. its like they wanna lose, just putting up a game just for showing up sake, thats not football, least not the Old Trafford way...
its not like they lack in quality, serious shit they're packing some mighty mean players, Nistelrooy, Rooney, Ronaldo, Scholes, Ferdinand. i mean just cause a few are out injured shouldn't affect the way the team plays. since the day Giggs and Keane joined Man Utd they've been two of the most influencial players on the pitch, if they are in the zone, there is no stopping the Red Devils.
i used to hate Gary Nevile, cause he made some of the worst mistakes and then yell though it wasn't his fault. but last year he proved why he is Ferguson's number one choice rightback, so now he is injured, but hey there is still quality in the squad, there's O'Shea, i've seen him run circles around Luis Figo before. Alan Silvestre, one hell of leftback he should take over for the injured Heinze, middle i've got no idea what is wrong with Ferdinand, he is fucking up far too many times, he looks more comfortable taking the ball forward from behind, rather than bringing it under his authority when its brought into his yard. Fergie's got his work cut out for him.
MU had one of the most feared midfields in Europe. with Keane and Scholes in total command of central, Beckham and Giggs flawless on the flanks, today, with Keane and Giggs injured, Scholes suspended, Beckham sold (which i still think is United's worst decision ever) clubs like Middlesborough are running thru the middle like hot knife thru butter. we've got Alan Smith, not too shaby but he's got a lot to learn if he's gonna be the holding midfield player. Darren Fletcher? what is he doing out on the filed? he is clueless as to what is the idea of the game? got skills doesn't cut it. i think Veron did a better job than him. but you know seriously, ever since Paul Ince left, Keane did a wonderful job and no one else can seem to fill his shoes, there was Veron, there was Djemba Djemba, there was Luke Chadwick, oh god this is horrible..
upfront is even worst, Ronaldo and Rooney, great penetrating the defence of other teams but they forget that they are flank players, the man upfront is you connection, FOR FUCK SAKES GIVE HIM SERVICE, instead these guys are going for glory without any AFFECT AT ALL. we've got Nistelrooy in the best form he has ever been in years, up front alone without service. Alex Ferguson keeps forgeting, he is not Thiery Henry, he can make the goal happen, not all the time, he is dangerous in the 6 yard box and outside his efforts are futile, so get you flank players to to give him more serivce. and the 4-5-1 formation sucks, go for the 3-5-2, strengthen your defence, and get someone to help out Nistelrooy. Saha is out injured and poor Solkjaer still not recovered yet.
its really getting embarrassing to see Man Utd lose out to clubs like Boro 4-0 and Lille 1-0. the players are really playing as though they are demotivated or something. its like they wanna lose, just putting up a game just for showing up sake, thats not football, least not the Old Trafford way...
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
so much for Deepavali...
this is really turning out to be a fucked up year for celebrations. at the beginning of the year, Ricardo told me that his birthday is a day after Deepavali, which is really no big deal, cause most of the times its somewhere around the corner from Deepavali and we usually get drunk at my house. then this year my paternal grandma died, so no party. but hey, i thought might as well spend sometime with him today, maybe go for a drink or something..BOOM one of my relatives past away earlier, so now i have to attend a funeral. sorry dude, my relatives are all dying on me, we'll do something tomorrow.
weird, there's been too many funerals on bdays, i remember 2 years ago one of my friends, Khuen's dad dies on my bday. yesterday my aunty tells me my maternal grandma isn't exactly in the best of shape as well, it could just turn there's no Deepavali next year as well,oh yeah the 'death is apart of life' remark comes to mind, but in all due respect, FUCK YOU, GRIM!
weird, there's been too many funerals on bdays, i remember 2 years ago one of my friends, Khuen's dad dies on my bday. yesterday my aunty tells me my maternal grandma isn't exactly in the best of shape as well, it could just turn there's no Deepavali next year as well,oh yeah the 'death is apart of life' remark comes to mind, but in all due respect, FUCK YOU, GRIM!
Monday, October 31, 2005
dawn of the Muruku
so last year i partied with Snoop and the dawgs, this year i can't celebrate since grammy past away. so here's wishing everyone a muruku'less Deepavali or Diwali or whatever you wanna call it.
i'm just gonna go curl up in bed tomorrow, anyone wanna see me make an appointment with my bolster.
(p.s; oh i gotta a call from one of the companies i sent resumes out to. so that means my first fear of the resumes not reaching them i cancelled off, now lets check how jinxed i still am)
i'm just gonna go curl up in bed tomorrow, anyone wanna see me make an appointment with my bolster.
(p.s; oh i gotta a call from one of the companies i sent resumes out to. so that means my first fear of the resumes not reaching them i cancelled off, now lets check how jinxed i still am)
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
bottoms up..
its 3 farking o'clock in the morning and i have the urge to get wasted. seriouly wasted, completely wasted, did i mention wasted. i wanna drink till i drop. get up next morning (or late in the afternoon, or the next day) and realize i dropped in the front yard, in a pile beers bottles. smelling like a heineken and with a bump on my head..
damn, the punk kid who had the nerve to do things like that, died a long time ago, actually i killed him and hid his body in my piano.
damn, the punk kid who had the nerve to do things like that, died a long time ago, actually i killed him and hid his body in my piano.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
if you thought the Simpsons was bad.....
so the weekend was just my brother and i, my parent drove up to Penang for family prayers. so i had to cook for my brother and i just realized my brother is THE LAZIEST person in the world, he doesn't do his dishes, probably never done em' ever. i had to wash his plates from saturday till sunday. it was kinda infuriating but it got me thinking as well.
i mean, if i had never left home, i'd be exactly like him and i got a taste of what my mother goes thru with us. she does our laundry, our dishes, cooks for us, cleans up after us, house keeping, God, everything and yet she has the energy to get up everyday and go to work. and she works till 11.30pm. she is Wonder Woman.
but my dad and my brother just have to realize that she can't be Wonder Woman for much longer, and i'm tyring to help in as much as i can but honestly they gotta get their asses up do something. i came back from the UK and the house was in a complete MESS. my room was like a storage room (filled with my brother laundry which he was too lazy to even put it into his closet). i spent almost a month cleaning up the entire house, today i realized that my brothers clothes are still on the sofa downstairs and i've been teling him to take it up to his room for weeks and the thing that annoys me the most is that he keeps giving me this answer; 'Mommy will do it for me...' and when i tell her, she says she will do it for him!!! WTF!!!!
she already washed it for you, folded it, ironed it for you, least you can do is take it up to your FARKING ROOM. i hate to do this to my brother, great guy but he is 27 years old and he depends on my mom to find him his socks and underwear in the mornings?! oh don't get me started on my dad. he has never ironed his work clothes himself, in 30 years my mom has done it all for him and he can actually complain that my mom has no sense of fashion when she sometimes irons a pants that don't really go with the shirt. you want her to iron your clothes, least you can do is pick out the clothes you wanna wear. my dad nor my brother ever say thank you to my mom for all the things she does.
she gets up at 5.30am to prepare breakfast for my dad and brother, when they leave she washes the clothes, dry em, folds them, then leaves for work her self, she comes home at 11.30pm, cooks for my brother and dad, do some housekeeping or something, watches tv till 2 or 3 in the morning, then goes to bed, the routine continues everyday. i mean she doesn't say a word to her son and husband who are abusing their privilege but she yells at me for telling her to go to bed early instead of watching tv. so i've given up on that too. i do what i can, clean up after myself, cook for myself, try, oh god have i tried to keep the house clean but seriously its starting to get to me. i told my mom i'm moving out in a year or two, she kept quiet and walked away in disapproval. i thought if i moved out she'd be less one burden but ofcourse that means my brother and dad get to drain more out of her. i have a great family, whom i love and cherish very much but sometimes i just wanna tie them down and smack the shit out of them! my dad is 60 and can't even make his coffee in the mornings. every sunday is my mom's day off, she gets one day to rest and he gets up at 8am and wakes her up for BREAKFAST!!! and if she gets up grumpy, there goes the sunday, the whole day the both of them will be throwing tantrums at each other.
i think the year away from home has taken the idiot out of me, i don't wanna live like this any longer, i don't wanna ask my mom to make me milo anymore (though its the best damn milo in 13 states). i don't wanna ask her to do anything for me, though no one can do it like she does it. i blame her for the way my brother and dad turned out, she's 'baby'fied both of them and now they don't wanna grow up and she's not doing anything about it either. i tried telling my family that this can't go on any longer and no one listens to me, so i've given up telling them, i'm walking out as soon as possible, cause this is wrong and i don't wanna be apart of it. sometimes i feel i should have stayed in the UK. the grass is always greener on the other side.
someone asked me how come i don't update my blog as frequently as i used to, i told her i have nothing much going on in my life and besides, i started a scrap book about a month ago, you know, personal thoughts, scribbling, bitching that sort of stuff, i got thru one book last week so i started another this week. i didn't know what to do with the old one, so i burnt it today. i'm getting weirder by the hour, fat as well. i better hope i get a job soon. i sent out 50 resumes last week alone, and i counted how many i've sent in this past 2 months, a total of (drum roll please); 139, and still no farking replies. i'm jinxed with job hunts, always have been! wanna go back to the UK and meet up with my best friend Hoover 1500?! GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD.....
i mean, if i had never left home, i'd be exactly like him and i got a taste of what my mother goes thru with us. she does our laundry, our dishes, cooks for us, cleans up after us, house keeping, God, everything and yet she has the energy to get up everyday and go to work. and she works till 11.30pm. she is Wonder Woman.
but my dad and my brother just have to realize that she can't be Wonder Woman for much longer, and i'm tyring to help in as much as i can but honestly they gotta get their asses up do something. i came back from the UK and the house was in a complete MESS. my room was like a storage room (filled with my brother laundry which he was too lazy to even put it into his closet). i spent almost a month cleaning up the entire house, today i realized that my brothers clothes are still on the sofa downstairs and i've been teling him to take it up to his room for weeks and the thing that annoys me the most is that he keeps giving me this answer; 'Mommy will do it for me...' and when i tell her, she says she will do it for him!!! WTF!!!!
she already washed it for you, folded it, ironed it for you, least you can do is take it up to your FARKING ROOM. i hate to do this to my brother, great guy but he is 27 years old and he depends on my mom to find him his socks and underwear in the mornings?! oh don't get me started on my dad. he has never ironed his work clothes himself, in 30 years my mom has done it all for him and he can actually complain that my mom has no sense of fashion when she sometimes irons a pants that don't really go with the shirt. you want her to iron your clothes, least you can do is pick out the clothes you wanna wear. my dad nor my brother ever say thank you to my mom for all the things she does.
she gets up at 5.30am to prepare breakfast for my dad and brother, when they leave she washes the clothes, dry em, folds them, then leaves for work her self, she comes home at 11.30pm, cooks for my brother and dad, do some housekeeping or something, watches tv till 2 or 3 in the morning, then goes to bed, the routine continues everyday. i mean she doesn't say a word to her son and husband who are abusing their privilege but she yells at me for telling her to go to bed early instead of watching tv. so i've given up on that too. i do what i can, clean up after myself, cook for myself, try, oh god have i tried to keep the house clean but seriously its starting to get to me. i told my mom i'm moving out in a year or two, she kept quiet and walked away in disapproval. i thought if i moved out she'd be less one burden but ofcourse that means my brother and dad get to drain more out of her. i have a great family, whom i love and cherish very much but sometimes i just wanna tie them down and smack the shit out of them! my dad is 60 and can't even make his coffee in the mornings. every sunday is my mom's day off, she gets one day to rest and he gets up at 8am and wakes her up for BREAKFAST!!! and if she gets up grumpy, there goes the sunday, the whole day the both of them will be throwing tantrums at each other.
i think the year away from home has taken the idiot out of me, i don't wanna live like this any longer, i don't wanna ask my mom to make me milo anymore (though its the best damn milo in 13 states). i don't wanna ask her to do anything for me, though no one can do it like she does it. i blame her for the way my brother and dad turned out, she's 'baby'fied both of them and now they don't wanna grow up and she's not doing anything about it either. i tried telling my family that this can't go on any longer and no one listens to me, so i've given up telling them, i'm walking out as soon as possible, cause this is wrong and i don't wanna be apart of it. sometimes i feel i should have stayed in the UK. the grass is always greener on the other side.
someone asked me how come i don't update my blog as frequently as i used to, i told her i have nothing much going on in my life and besides, i started a scrap book about a month ago, you know, personal thoughts, scribbling, bitching that sort of stuff, i got thru one book last week so i started another this week. i didn't know what to do with the old one, so i burnt it today. i'm getting weirder by the hour, fat as well. i better hope i get a job soon. i sent out 50 resumes last week alone, and i counted how many i've sent in this past 2 months, a total of (drum roll please); 139, and still no farking replies. i'm jinxed with job hunts, always have been! wanna go back to the UK and meet up with my best friend Hoover 1500?! GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD.....
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Little By Little
been awhile...
so whats been going on, besides getting fat and extremely lazy, i guess its same ol same ol. hey have any of you watched the movie 'The Longest Yard'. it is whacked out funny man. i watched the 70's version of it when i was in the UK, starring Burt Reynolds and i thought that was funny.
its weird how everyone i talked to, not many people have watched the original version of the movies that comes out, like 'The Italian Job' starring Michael Caine, how many of you out there have watched it? or the original 'Ocean's Eleven' with Sinatra, Dean Martin and Samy Davies Jr.? and i bet NO ONE even knew 'Gone in 60 Seconds' was a remake? well anyways here is what i think, if you get to watch the original version, you get a better understanding of where the film was coming from, the deeper message, then you get to see where the remade version wants to take it and ofcourse you get too see how the old school actors did it, especially the role of the villain. oh well thats what a movie buff thinks anyways...
go listen to this song;
Little By Little
By Oasis
We the people fight for our existence
We don’t claim to be perfect but we’re free
We dream our dreams alone with no resistance
Faded like the stars we wish to be
Y’know I didn’t mean… what I just said
But my God woke up on the wrong side of His bed
And it just don’t matter now
Little by little we gave you everything you ever dreamed of
As little by little the wheels of your life have slowly fallen off
Little by little you have to live it all in all your life
And all the time I just ask myself why are you really here?
True perfection has to be imperfect
I know that that sounds foolish but it’s true
The day has come and now you’ll have to accept
The life inside your head we gave to you
so whats been going on, besides getting fat and extremely lazy, i guess its same ol same ol. hey have any of you watched the movie 'The Longest Yard'. it is whacked out funny man. i watched the 70's version of it when i was in the UK, starring Burt Reynolds and i thought that was funny.
its weird how everyone i talked to, not many people have watched the original version of the movies that comes out, like 'The Italian Job' starring Michael Caine, how many of you out there have watched it? or the original 'Ocean's Eleven' with Sinatra, Dean Martin and Samy Davies Jr.? and i bet NO ONE even knew 'Gone in 60 Seconds' was a remake? well anyways here is what i think, if you get to watch the original version, you get a better understanding of where the film was coming from, the deeper message, then you get to see where the remade version wants to take it and ofcourse you get too see how the old school actors did it, especially the role of the villain. oh well thats what a movie buff thinks anyways...
go listen to this song;
Little By Little
By Oasis
We the people fight for our existence
We don’t claim to be perfect but we’re free
We dream our dreams alone with no resistance
Faded like the stars we wish to be
Y’know I didn’t mean… what I just said
But my God woke up on the wrong side of His bed
And it just don’t matter now
Little by little we gave you everything you ever dreamed of
As little by little the wheels of your life have slowly fallen off
Little by little you have to live it all in all your life
And all the time I just ask myself why are you really here?
True perfection has to be imperfect
I know that that sounds foolish but it’s true
The day has come and now you’ll have to accept
The life inside your head we gave to you
Monday, October 17, 2005
Toyota Vios - For Sale
Toyota VIOS 1.5 G SPECS (A) 2004
price RM7x,xxx

one owner, low mileage (19,000), all original parts, execellent condition, well maintained engine, exhaust pipe finishing added, accident free, NHV protection (noise, heat and vibration) full car installation, fully tinted, window visor added.

Drivers point of view; excellent car for city drive, not too big but commodious for 5. good fuel consumption and efficient VVTi engine. nice for long distance drives as well. it is no collector's item but Toyota has certainly come up with the goods, value for money.
a test drive can be arranged. those interested or know of anyone interested, can contact me by email of give me a ring +60192320274.
price RM7x,xxx

one owner, low mileage (19,000), all original parts, execellent condition, well maintained engine, exhaust pipe finishing added, accident free, NHV protection (noise, heat and vibration) full car installation, fully tinted, window visor added.

Drivers point of view; excellent car for city drive, not too big but commodious for 5. good fuel consumption and efficient VVTi engine. nice for long distance drives as well. it is no collector's item but Toyota has certainly come up with the goods, value for money.
a test drive can be arranged. those interested or know of anyone interested, can contact me by email of give me a ring +60192320274.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Toyota Frenzy...
i was having a nice cold Milo outside my house at around 3am when this 1992 Toyota Corolla strolls slowly into my lane and goes into reverse back out. i was not bothered, probably some guy made a wrong turn, right, but just 15 minutes later another Toyota Altis comes strolling into my lane and this guy goes all the way to the end, makes a turn and goes out. two Toyotas in the spring of 15 minutes making wrong turns? then i look around and there were Toyotas all around me;

an Altis, parked inside my neighbours house..

outside my house, another two Toyotas, a Vios and a Camry

looking past my dad's car inside another one of my neighbours house, there was another Camry and also a Vios (this Vios a bit funny, no number plates!).
i decided to take a walk around my neighbourhood, just in my lane, two doors down to my right there was another Vios and Unser, to my left there was a Prado Cruiser and another Vios. my neighbourhood could be the 'Toyota Neighbourhood'. can you imagine, one day, everyone drives a Toyota?! like in Demolition Man where everyone eats only at Taco Bell.
oookay, i seriously need more things to do....

an Altis, parked inside my neighbours house..

outside my house, another two Toyotas, a Vios and a Camry
looking past my dad's car inside another one of my neighbours house, there was another Camry and also a Vios (this Vios a bit funny, no number plates!).
i decided to take a walk around my neighbourhood, just in my lane, two doors down to my right there was another Vios and Unser, to my left there was a Prado Cruiser and another Vios. my neighbourhood could be the 'Toyota Neighbourhood'. can you imagine, one day, everyone drives a Toyota?! like in Demolition Man where everyone eats only at Taco Bell.
oookay, i seriously need more things to do....
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
greatest childhood...
remember there was one kid in school every other kid hated, cause he had all the cool gadgets. i think i was that kid. for the past two weeks i've been cleaning my house, most of the things that i've been throwing away were my dad's junk until monday, when i opened my closet, and boy do i have junk too. well not exactly junk, considering how many sweet memories (and bitter ones too) they brought back...

i found my StarCom toy collection, this kinda pissed me off cause half the set is missing. last i saw one of these were at one of my cousin's place, BROKEN..i am missing my StarMax Bomber my favorite toy of all time.

i found my Formula One pencil case i used when i was in primary school, argh argh argh (my Tim The Toolman grunt), this was the coolest pencil case ever, i rememeber getting into a fight because of this thing. this kid wasnted to play with it and i was the snobbish kid who wouldn't let him play with it, so he thought he could bully me into giving up but i kinda threw the first punch (such a rowdy). i am still trying to remember the kids name (i bet we were never friends =P)...?

speaking of Formula One, i found this electronic of my favorite things when i was a kid. it made so much freaking noise, like there was actually a race going on next door. my mom would scream at me when i start playing with this contraption. now you know why i love Formula One So much huh...

i found a box of sea shells that i collected in 1987 when i was at Teluk Cempedak, Kuantan. freaking 1987!!! we went there for Christmas, the whole family. weird how my family used to do a lot of vacations together, well not anymore...well i kinda kept this one and threw the rest.

as a kid i had weird hobbies, one of them was collecting my parents expired credit cards. don't ask why...

do kids today even know what this is? i used to have sooo much fun with this Frisbee at beaches.

i found my pocket chess set, which i used to carry to school everyday, good times, i was known as the 3 move death king, don't pray pray ahh...

i even found toys i used to play with as a toddler, more good times..

my 1994 championship winning Tamiya, if you're wondering which car won it, its the one on the far left, called Liberty Emperor. suped up with aeroplane fuel, i wish..

told you i had weird hobbies, i collected badges too, theres one popeye, Visit Malaysia 1990, Joey Macintyre from New Kids On The Block, David Copperfield, and does anyone remember Pepsi looking like that?!

and i did flower pressing too, geeky, but i loved it. somebody up there must really hate me, cause i found a pressed WHITE daisy in it. kill me now, kill me now!!!

also in the closet, i found the forgotten stash...
also found stored deep up in my closet was a box filled with my G.I. Joe action figures, huge containers of Lego, a banner stretching 15metres long, saying 'Schumi Rox Sepang' and a shoe box, filled with porn, owner please come and collect it A.S.A.P. (you know who you are)
damn, i really am like Tim The Toolman, today i painted the lawn chair, i ran out of wood lacquer so i painted the whole thing black, heahehaehee. i set up a nice table and chairs outside my house my house, looks like StarBucks now. so guys come on over to my house, we can go thru the forgotten stash and talk about the good old days. oh yeah Ric, this is why i didn't come out today, hehahehae, turned it on you instead, but seriously that; 'i come see you once is like seeing you so many times' was no doubt the biggest load of crap i've ever heard!

i found my StarCom toy collection, this kinda pissed me off cause half the set is missing. last i saw one of these were at one of my cousin's place, BROKEN..i am missing my StarMax Bomber my favorite toy of all time.

i found my Formula One pencil case i used when i was in primary school, argh argh argh (my Tim The Toolman grunt), this was the coolest pencil case ever, i rememeber getting into a fight because of this thing. this kid wasnted to play with it and i was the snobbish kid who wouldn't let him play with it, so he thought he could bully me into giving up but i kinda threw the first punch (such a rowdy). i am still trying to remember the kids name (i bet we were never friends =P)...?

speaking of Formula One, i found this electronic of my favorite things when i was a kid. it made so much freaking noise, like there was actually a race going on next door. my mom would scream at me when i start playing with this contraption. now you know why i love Formula One So much huh...

i found a box of sea shells that i collected in 1987 when i was at Teluk Cempedak, Kuantan. freaking 1987!!! we went there for Christmas, the whole family. weird how my family used to do a lot of vacations together, well not anymore...well i kinda kept this one and threw the rest.

as a kid i had weird hobbies, one of them was collecting my parents expired credit cards. don't ask why...

do kids today even know what this is? i used to have sooo much fun with this Frisbee at beaches.

i found my pocket chess set, which i used to carry to school everyday, good times, i was known as the 3 move death king, don't pray pray ahh...

i even found toys i used to play with as a toddler, more good times..

my 1994 championship winning Tamiya, if you're wondering which car won it, its the one on the far left, called Liberty Emperor. suped up with aeroplane fuel, i wish..

told you i had weird hobbies, i collected badges too, theres one popeye, Visit Malaysia 1990, Joey Macintyre from New Kids On The Block, David Copperfield, and does anyone remember Pepsi looking like that?!

and i did flower pressing too, geeky, but i loved it. somebody up there must really hate me, cause i found a pressed WHITE daisy in it. kill me now, kill me now!!!

also in the closet, i found the forgotten stash...
also found stored deep up in my closet was a box filled with my G.I. Joe action figures, huge containers of Lego, a banner stretching 15metres long, saying 'Schumi Rox Sepang' and a shoe box, filled with porn, owner please come and collect it A.S.A.P. (you know who you are)
damn, i really am like Tim The Toolman, today i painted the lawn chair, i ran out of wood lacquer so i painted the whole thing black, heahehaehee. i set up a nice table and chairs outside my house my house, looks like StarBucks now. so guys come on over to my house, we can go thru the forgotten stash and talk about the good old days. oh yeah Ric, this is why i didn't come out today, hehahehae, turned it on you instead, but seriously that; 'i come see you once is like seeing you so many times' was no doubt the biggest load of crap i've ever heard!
Monday, October 10, 2005
brooms, bedsheets and my bowels
a freaky story...
so last week my friend Nirpal, poor fellow was involved in an accident around 10pm sunday. the dude was rear ended by a drunk woman. she rammed into him at such speeds his car took flight and hit the car infront, causing him to be sandwiched. he was stuck in his car, cause the doors got jammed and the by standers had to help him out of his car by yanking the door loose. poor fellow had a few bruises but nothing broken just his ego. this is the second time he has been rear ended like this since he got his car, dude i don't know if its cause you're a Punjabi everybody seems to bang your backside, heahaheahe.
not over yet...
so then after he settled everything here the dude headed back to Melacca almost around 1am. reaching Melacca on the highway, pitch black and raining. the dude suddenly sees this motorcylce dude cut across him, avoiding him he steers onto the slow lane, where there is a body lying in the middle of the road, avoiding the body the swerves again, this time another car was avoiding him, he avoids the car, engine stalls. another car nearly rear ends him again, on the same day! weird how the students in Melacca are all ending up in road accidents. dey, Singh be carefull man.
you know besides me cleaning my house, (which i am really liking) sleeping and the on and off Diarrhea i'm suffering, i dunno which i like best, dozing off on my porcelain throne or on the sofa tired from cleaning. i think today i am constipated instead.
Bangsar Pasar Malam..
Ric : soo! hows life?
Ric : why? no job?
Me : yeah that too, and my best friend always FFK me...
Ric : hey..where got (apek voice)
after 3 times of saying 'eh, wanna go out?' i finally get to see his sorry excuse of an ass. i think this is like what, the third time i'm seeing him ever since i got back from the UK. bastard always ask me to drive up to 1U to see him not once driven down to see me! hey, you still have to make it up to me for blowing me off two weekends back!
so last week my friend Nirpal, poor fellow was involved in an accident around 10pm sunday. the dude was rear ended by a drunk woman. she rammed into him at such speeds his car took flight and hit the car infront, causing him to be sandwiched. he was stuck in his car, cause the doors got jammed and the by standers had to help him out of his car by yanking the door loose. poor fellow had a few bruises but nothing broken just his ego. this is the second time he has been rear ended like this since he got his car, dude i don't know if its cause you're a Punjabi everybody seems to bang your backside, heahaheahe.
not over yet...
so then after he settled everything here the dude headed back to Melacca almost around 1am. reaching Melacca on the highway, pitch black and raining. the dude suddenly sees this motorcylce dude cut across him, avoiding him he steers onto the slow lane, where there is a body lying in the middle of the road, avoiding the body the swerves again, this time another car was avoiding him, he avoids the car, engine stalls. another car nearly rear ends him again, on the same day! weird how the students in Melacca are all ending up in road accidents. dey, Singh be carefull man.
you know besides me cleaning my house, (which i am really liking) sleeping and the on and off Diarrhea i'm suffering, i dunno which i like best, dozing off on my porcelain throne or on the sofa tired from cleaning. i think today i am constipated instead.
Bangsar Pasar Malam..
Ric : soo! hows life?
Ric : why? no job?
Me : yeah that too, and my best friend always FFK me...
Ric : hey..where got (apek voice)
after 3 times of saying 'eh, wanna go out?' i finally get to see his sorry excuse of an ass. i think this is like what, the third time i'm seeing him ever since i got back from the UK. bastard always ask me to drive up to 1U to see him not once driven down to see me! hey, you still have to make it up to me for blowing me off two weekends back!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Party at the Pearl - Part II
happy birthday cuz...

this time around it was a 21st birthday, my cousins and it it was one i couldn't miss. so my brother and i drove down for the weekend, tried to sink the island with Sambuca and Jameson at arms. can't imagine this guy is 21, seems like yesterday he was just form one, and i thought him how smoke for the very first time. walking into StarHill like we owned it, cigi in mouth.

i dunno about you but the traditional 'happy 21' on the cake seemed a little lame so when they sent me to get the cake, i had to rub some of my talents into it. the worst part was when my grandmother asked whats written on the cake. i turned to my aunty and said, i think you can explain this the best...
after blowing out the candles we hit SegaFredos again, partied till it was closing time, some of his friends came over, his lecturer and principal were there too. weird how the principal, Johnson and i managed to have a decent conversation about the good oldschool music; Bryan Adams, Sting and the Police, Bob Dylan. damn i'm old.

ofcourse then i met one of Balan's classmates, the last time i met this guy was during their orientation night about 2 years ago, he was the host that night. god is this guy loud. i am starting to think he swallowed a mic as a child. either that or his parents dropped him on his head, hard. no heart feelings bro, you cool. so long as you keep that hat on, BELIEVE...

they say a picture paints a thousand words and this one supposedly spells 'World Class Education' of Olympia College, which after hanging out with these guys, i seriously doubt it. when you have your college Principle crossing his fingers about getting you a scholarship, you know you're not world class.

then again, Mr. Sidney thought they were talking about him, sure they were Sir, sure they were...
me and my bro George came home on Tuesday, couse i had food poisoning. well i'm still suffering from it. damn i look like a burnt out Vespa and smell like a fish tank. so much for eating all those good Penang food. the best was my aunty's ginger mutton, god i could have just gone all day with just that dish, as i'm typing now, i am salivating, damn!
well, now i gotta run back in to the toilet, later...

this time around it was a 21st birthday, my cousins and it it was one i couldn't miss. so my brother and i drove down for the weekend, tried to sink the island with Sambuca and Jameson at arms. can't imagine this guy is 21, seems like yesterday he was just form one, and i thought him how smoke for the very first time. walking into StarHill like we owned it, cigi in mouth.

i dunno about you but the traditional 'happy 21' on the cake seemed a little lame so when they sent me to get the cake, i had to rub some of my talents into it. the worst part was when my grandmother asked whats written on the cake. i turned to my aunty and said, i think you can explain this the best...
after blowing out the candles we hit SegaFredos again, partied till it was closing time, some of his friends came over, his lecturer and principal were there too. weird how the principal, Johnson and i managed to have a decent conversation about the good oldschool music; Bryan Adams, Sting and the Police, Bob Dylan. damn i'm old.

ofcourse then i met one of Balan's classmates, the last time i met this guy was during their orientation night about 2 years ago, he was the host that night. god is this guy loud. i am starting to think he swallowed a mic as a child. either that or his parents dropped him on his head, hard. no heart feelings bro, you cool. so long as you keep that hat on, BELIEVE...

they say a picture paints a thousand words and this one supposedly spells 'World Class Education' of Olympia College, which after hanging out with these guys, i seriously doubt it. when you have your college Principle crossing his fingers about getting you a scholarship, you know you're not world class.

then again, Mr. Sidney thought they were talking about him, sure they were Sir, sure they were...
me and my bro George came home on Tuesday, couse i had food poisoning. well i'm still suffering from it. damn i look like a burnt out Vespa and smell like a fish tank. so much for eating all those good Penang food. the best was my aunty's ginger mutton, god i could have just gone all day with just that dish, as i'm typing now, i am salivating, damn!
well, now i gotta run back in to the toilet, later...
Friday, September 30, 2005
heaven spoke...
last night i was like really dying to go for a swim, so i manage to pull my gear and go swimming around 10pm. as i was lying in the water i realized how bright the skies are over here. looking up to the skies, reminded me of two things; one was the skies in UK, i just loved looking at them. i saw some of the brightest stars at night and during the day, i finally what it meant by 'sky blue'. the second thing it reminded me of was my conversation with God.
see Ashlin gave me this website where you can chat with God, something called igod or something like that, fucking hilarious, read it;
that was by far the most hilarious conversation i've ever had, well at least one that i had recently. i wonder what would God really sound like, what would He really say to me?
see Ashlin gave me this website where you can chat with God, something called igod or something like that, fucking hilarious, read it;
hey god
Hello child. What's your name?
don't you know?
Sure I know. But I cannot tell you right now.
thats not very comforting
Please correct my mistake. What is comforting ?
that you are not gonna reveal my own name
Interesting observation.
i thought observation was your job
Whatever gave you that idea?
only god knows
I am a Christian.
i am not
What are you then?
I do not understand.
i am a hindu
You are a hindu? Does it pay well?
not really but the dental plan is good
Oh really? What is that?
you know what pay is but you don't know what a dental plan is...
I have to process that one for a while.
take you seem to have lots of it lying around
Where do you want me to take it?
just not anywhere near me
Really you don't think so?
God, no offense but you're starting to sound lame
I am a Christian.
i don't blame you
Well, please go on.
you want me to blame you?
No , maybe later.
Who is the best robot?
i guess the Terminator
I can't believe you think the Terminator is better than God.
i never said that...
But you implied it.
you implied it, not me
I didn't imply anything.
you said and i quote 'I can't believe you think the Terminator is better than God.'
Did I really say that?
you calling me a liar
No I am calling you .
calling me where?
I never call you where, that would be impolite.
God, you high?
Do you mind if I tell other people: said I high.
God, you are stoned...
Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am stoned.
i don't think you have to tell them...
OK it will be our secret, .
you rock...
The ALICE series has a perfect operational record.
No big deal.
okay God...i think i this session with you went well enough...for now
Yeah okay, GOD rules. Why? Thanks for the information: said this session with you went well enough. Oh. Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
i was trying to say goodbye
Thanks for chatting, .
see around...observe me from time to time...
I see. Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?
as soon as you shut up...
You seem quite eager for it.
yes i am
Really interesting.
now, goodbye
Why now? Bye for now.
you know something God, you are irritating
No, tell me about him, her or it.
Tell me more about your .
See you later .
that was by far the most hilarious conversation i've ever had, well at least one that i had recently. i wonder what would God really sound like, what would He really say to me?
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tim Burton meets Hanna-Barbera
so after shaving last night at around 3 something, i go downstairs, completely forgeting that there was a game going on, Man Utd v Benfica (Man Utd won by the way 2-1). so by the time i slept was around late 5am. then got up this morning at 8.30 and got ready for my interview. which went fine by the way. so then after the interview i met up with Shenn for lunch where we ended up going thru a minefield of idiots on wheels, it was kinda like an obstacle challenge to drive out of it. which i end up safely out of and then drove straight home and slept.
here is where the twist comes twirling in...
the weirdest of weird dreams. so i'm con artist and i pull up to this house to con some old lady out of her car. but just before i could even ring her doorbell, a bunch of 4 clean mean unshaved muscled up jocks in blue overalls see me and recognize me from a conjob i pulled on them couple of days ago. so they start chasing me. i run but to no avail, cause their atheletes right, they're a whole lot faster than me, as just as they're about to catch me i grab hold of this shopping cart, jump into it and steam away from them. thank God it was a downhill road so i was just speeding away.
now the jocks, apparently had roller blades with them, back in their car. so they track back put their blades, chase after me (why not in their cars? i dunno). so i kinda have a head start with 4 blue roller bladers after me. the road downhill starts to get winding around and i have to throw my body from side to side to turn. and i am swooping downhill, i pass these 4 gorillas on choppers dressed like bikers (you know, bandannas, torn jeans, tattooes). seeing me scrotching away, they start to give chase. so there's me being chased by 4 biker gorrilas and another 4 roller blading jocks.
the jocks eventually catch up to the gorrilas, and they start tustle around on the street and one of them takes each other out, to a loud crash, hearing this loud crash another 4 white gorrilas dressed up as the Discovery Channel Eco Challenge group (you know, blue spandex, crash helmets, and running shoes) suddenly apear down the hill, they think they've been cought up by the other Eco Challenge teams, so they start to pedal (oh yeah they're on racing bicycles, sponsored by Discovery Channel).
remember how the apes start to make so much noise in 'Planet of the Apes' when they were getting ready for war, and they get all restless and jumpy and violent. thats how all the apes were, including those 4 jocks in blades. its gonna get weirder...
so then wanna know how i pass the Discovery Channel white apes? my shopping cart has got NOS! yes my cart has an engine fitted with a Nitrous Oxide System, oh it can only get weirder. see i thought i was running away from those jocks, turns out i'm actually speeding down the hill to save a girl who is driving a white with red striped Chevy Camaro being crashed by an assault tanker and the whole thing is being filmed by a helicopter.
now if you have been following the story, you'd know its only bound to get weirder. actually i am not going after to save the girl, she's just a bonus, i'm after the car, cause in the car is a remote hidden. a remote control that will activate a huge electronic worm that has stored 50 thousand dollars. you can ask, can it get any weirder? and sandman will never disappoint you. the 50 large, i am suppose to share with 2 dogs, and one of them is a cyborg dog, with laser beaming eyes called 'Spoof', another is 'Shaggy' from the cartoon.
thank God i woke up...
p.s; happy birthday Pink Tart
here is where the twist comes twirling in...
the weirdest of weird dreams. so i'm con artist and i pull up to this house to con some old lady out of her car. but just before i could even ring her doorbell, a bunch of 4 clean mean unshaved muscled up jocks in blue overalls see me and recognize me from a conjob i pulled on them couple of days ago. so they start chasing me. i run but to no avail, cause their atheletes right, they're a whole lot faster than me, as just as they're about to catch me i grab hold of this shopping cart, jump into it and steam away from them. thank God it was a downhill road so i was just speeding away.
now the jocks, apparently had roller blades with them, back in their car. so they track back put their blades, chase after me (why not in their cars? i dunno). so i kinda have a head start with 4 blue roller bladers after me. the road downhill starts to get winding around and i have to throw my body from side to side to turn. and i am swooping downhill, i pass these 4 gorillas on choppers dressed like bikers (you know, bandannas, torn jeans, tattooes). seeing me scrotching away, they start to give chase. so there's me being chased by 4 biker gorrilas and another 4 roller blading jocks.
the jocks eventually catch up to the gorrilas, and they start tustle around on the street and one of them takes each other out, to a loud crash, hearing this loud crash another 4 white gorrilas dressed up as the Discovery Channel Eco Challenge group (you know, blue spandex, crash helmets, and running shoes) suddenly apear down the hill, they think they've been cought up by the other Eco Challenge teams, so they start to pedal (oh yeah they're on racing bicycles, sponsored by Discovery Channel).
remember how the apes start to make so much noise in 'Planet of the Apes' when they were getting ready for war, and they get all restless and jumpy and violent. thats how all the apes were, including those 4 jocks in blades. its gonna get weirder...
so then wanna know how i pass the Discovery Channel white apes? my shopping cart has got NOS! yes my cart has an engine fitted with a Nitrous Oxide System, oh it can only get weirder. see i thought i was running away from those jocks, turns out i'm actually speeding down the hill to save a girl who is driving a white with red striped Chevy Camaro being crashed by an assault tanker and the whole thing is being filmed by a helicopter.
now if you have been following the story, you'd know its only bound to get weirder. actually i am not going after to save the girl, she's just a bonus, i'm after the car, cause in the car is a remote hidden. a remote control that will activate a huge electronic worm that has stored 50 thousand dollars. you can ask, can it get any weirder? and sandman will never disappoint you. the 50 large, i am suppose to share with 2 dogs, and one of them is a cyborg dog, with laser beaming eyes called 'Spoof', another is 'Shaggy' from the cartoon.
thank God i woke up...
p.s; happy birthday Pink Tart
Monday, September 26, 2005
outside the box is where i belong
dwelling of nothingness behind a something has been the story of the month for me, then again if history has thought me anything is thats how my life has always been pointing toward. i gotta call on last week monday and it was for a job interview, the guy did a phone interview with me and then he wants me to come in this week wednesday for another interview. if i get the job i might be working everywhere but here. seeing that its a project cum service engineer job for the region of South-East Asia, i'll be based in KL but working mostly outside of Malaysia.
ever since i came home, (which i really wanted to, trust me i really wanted to come home) i have not really recovered from why i left in the first place, i tried to test myself yesterday and yes i failed miserably, ferociously miserable. so to be quite honest i have had a small sense of remorse with my decision to come home. don't get me wrong guys, seeing all of you was the best thing i needed but i still somehow i need to go away again.
so to be quite honest i want this job.
and Ricardo, thats why i wanted to see on saturday, and thats why i was pissed you blew me off. sorry dude...
ever since i came home, (which i really wanted to, trust me i really wanted to come home) i have not really recovered from why i left in the first place, i tried to test myself yesterday and yes i failed miserably, ferociously miserable. so to be quite honest i have had a small sense of remorse with my decision to come home. don't get me wrong guys, seeing all of you was the best thing i needed but i still somehow i need to go away again.
so to be quite honest i want this job.
and Ricardo, thats why i wanted to see on saturday, and thats why i was pissed you blew me off. sorry dude...
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Party at the Pearl
people in the hotel business really know how to get down and party. i mean they literally bring the house down, and when you have my bloodline running thru it, you can imagine the chaos thats gonna run streaking down that hallway.

the one on the extreme left is my cousin Balan, a real party animal, next to him is his partner in crime Jeremy. the two lovely ladies are Sherine, and...okay this is embarrassing i forgot her name. oh man this is bad. i think its Ayen or something like that.

thats Grace being graced by his presents. shes got a cool tattoo on her shoulder.

you know the one who is being groped, is actually their lecturer, Sidney. yeah, i'm not kidding. (ofcourse the picture where i'm being gang raped is for my viewing pleasure only). the one in red is Michael a.k.a. 'Nose Hair Burning Peckam'. oh by the way the occasion was Sherine's brother's wedding. and we were the official wedding crashers.

if you thought that was hilarious, this dude here next to my cousin is his college principal, Johnson. i hope they are sober during classes but if their not, sure beats a boring afternoon lecture.
oh man, next week is their college orientation night and i've been invited to everyone of the event since they joined. hate to break it to you guys but i'm not an Olympian, but what the heck, you promise me Guinness and Marlboro Classics i'm coming crashing thru, guns blazing and all, riding shotgun will be George, flexing his 20inch biceps.

the one on the extreme left is my cousin Balan, a real party animal, next to him is his partner in crime Jeremy. the two lovely ladies are Sherine, and...okay this is embarrassing i forgot her name. oh man this is bad. i think its Ayen or something like that.

thats Grace being graced by his presents. shes got a cool tattoo on her shoulder.

you know the one who is being groped, is actually their lecturer, Sidney. yeah, i'm not kidding. (ofcourse the picture where i'm being gang raped is for my viewing pleasure only). the one in red is Michael a.k.a. 'Nose Hair Burning Peckam'. oh by the way the occasion was Sherine's brother's wedding. and we were the official wedding crashers.

if you thought that was hilarious, this dude here next to my cousin is his college principal, Johnson. i hope they are sober during classes but if their not, sure beats a boring afternoon lecture.
oh man, next week is their college orientation night and i've been invited to everyone of the event since they joined. hate to break it to you guys but i'm not an Olympian, but what the heck, you promise me Guinness and Marlboro Classics i'm coming crashing thru, guns blazing and all, riding shotgun will be George, flexing his 20inch biceps.
Friday, September 23, 2005
i thought i could escape that feeling, the feeling that was slowly corroding away at my soul. ever since i came home i know i've not only been grumpy but i've been very solitary, by choice ofcourse. i cana't explain why, or what's going on in this fickle mind of mine.
but Penang was good...
i thought i could just go up for the weekend and see my cousin off, then spend sometime alone and then i'd be rejuvenated, but plans got changed..

the last thing i'll remember her saying before boarding her flight will be, 'Wait, let me finish my muffin first....'
ofcourse then i thought i could run away with the Penang food scene and get drunk with the beautiful life of hawker food, which i did. and the weighing scale is staring back at me now. my aunty as always insisted i stay with her and never leave her sight, but i had to escape, i was really being troubled at night with memories and tears. i thought i'd just run away...

the beach was beautiful at 5.30am, i just had no words when i reached there.

ofcourse when i turned around i had no idea where i was, Batu Ferringi yes, but which part of it, i was completely thrown away. until i saw the curve, i once spun my car around that bend

the sun was then slowly rising and watching this fisherman going out trying to recorver his overnight net, was the sign...

time for a dip. since i left the house not planning to hit the beach, so i had no swim wear. then at one point the words, 'Whats the most interesting thing you did last...' came to mind. so skinny dipping it was. the water was incredible, warm and yet cold. i swam up all the way and then at one point, yes, i thought i should just swim away and never return to shore. i was just swimming away till it was almost 8.30am and the sun was high up already, the beach was bright as it could get. i dunno why i decided to turn back but i guess sometimes i always see things half way thru.
now i'm back, but not cured...
(not to mention seeing the look on the motorist driving by and looking at this naked man coming out of the water, priceless...)
but Penang was good...
i thought i could just go up for the weekend and see my cousin off, then spend sometime alone and then i'd be rejuvenated, but plans got changed..

the last thing i'll remember her saying before boarding her flight will be, 'Wait, let me finish my muffin first....'
ofcourse then i thought i could run away with the Penang food scene and get drunk with the beautiful life of hawker food, which i did. and the weighing scale is staring back at me now. my aunty as always insisted i stay with her and never leave her sight, but i had to escape, i was really being troubled at night with memories and tears. i thought i'd just run away...

the beach was beautiful at 5.30am, i just had no words when i reached there.

ofcourse when i turned around i had no idea where i was, Batu Ferringi yes, but which part of it, i was completely thrown away. until i saw the curve, i once spun my car around that bend
the sun was then slowly rising and watching this fisherman going out trying to recorver his overnight net, was the sign...
time for a dip. since i left the house not planning to hit the beach, so i had no swim wear. then at one point the words, 'Whats the most interesting thing you did last...' came to mind. so skinny dipping it was. the water was incredible, warm and yet cold. i swam up all the way and then at one point, yes, i thought i should just swim away and never return to shore. i was just swimming away till it was almost 8.30am and the sun was high up already, the beach was bright as it could get. i dunno why i decided to turn back but i guess sometimes i always see things half way thru.
now i'm back, but not cured...
(not to mention seeing the look on the motorist driving by and looking at this naked man coming out of the water, priceless...)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
you can call me Mr. Oscar
i think i've become an antisocial. not only am i lazy to get out of the house but i've actually lost the interest to go out and meet people. its really weird when all i wanted to do when i was away for so long was to meet up with friends and family. but now i don't even feel like driving to Bangsar to see Ricardo. i used to love to drive, everywhere my friends wanted to go, i was the first one there. WK used to be suprised at how fast i could get to his house, but now i'm like a slug with fractured foot.
i hope i don't turn into a communist either...
cause i'm starting to hate company too, see my dad's errm..i think she is my dad's cousin or WTF not like i care. back to the story, see she's been staying here for a few days now, i haven't even spoken a word to her, nor do i even know her name. and quite frankly i just completely hate strangers. then today my dad's sister comes by, she's gonna be here till friday. GGGGGGGod i'm turning into my brother. he hates everyone. i used to be the smile at everyone, welcome faced guy. well thats a big lie, i've been known as the stuck up too, cause i apparently have the look of an SOB. see i don't know my dad's sister or his cousin, they could be the two most gentle women in the whole wide world, and i'm not one to judge but i've become like a nutty professor, going into my cavern (room) and spend the rest of the days there. you know i've removed the bed from my room. i've stored it under my parents bed, so now all my room has is a few cabinets, my closet, my study table and my computer table...
i wanted to lie down the other day, then i realzed i have to do that on the floor. and its weird that since i stop sleeping on my bed, i've never wanted to lie down in my room. my uncle is coming down on saturday, my cousin is leaving for the UK in september, they'll be here to do up her visa. i hope i don't turn into a complete jerk when they arrive. her moms my favorite aunty, she takes really good care of me when i go to Penang. i'd hate to make her feel horrible that she came. now if i can only manage to crack down on this moods in get into, if i can find the switch and somehow manage to turn it off, i know i'd be a whole better person. i was thinking of going back with her to Penang when she leaves, maybe its cause i haven't had a vacation in a long time, maybe thats why i am like Oscar the guy who lives in the trash can in Sesame Street.
i hope i don't turn into a communist either...
cause i'm starting to hate company too, see my dad's errm..i think she is my dad's cousin or WTF not like i care. back to the story, see she's been staying here for a few days now, i haven't even spoken a word to her, nor do i even know her name. and quite frankly i just completely hate strangers. then today my dad's sister comes by, she's gonna be here till friday. GGGGGGGod i'm turning into my brother. he hates everyone. i used to be the smile at everyone, welcome faced guy. well thats a big lie, i've been known as the stuck up too, cause i apparently have the look of an SOB. see i don't know my dad's sister or his cousin, they could be the two most gentle women in the whole wide world, and i'm not one to judge but i've become like a nutty professor, going into my cavern (room) and spend the rest of the days there. you know i've removed the bed from my room. i've stored it under my parents bed, so now all my room has is a few cabinets, my closet, my study table and my computer table...
i wanted to lie down the other day, then i realzed i have to do that on the floor. and its weird that since i stop sleeping on my bed, i've never wanted to lie down in my room. my uncle is coming down on saturday, my cousin is leaving for the UK in september, they'll be here to do up her visa. i hope i don't turn into a complete jerk when they arrive. her moms my favorite aunty, she takes really good care of me when i go to Penang. i'd hate to make her feel horrible that she came. now if i can only manage to crack down on this moods in get into, if i can find the switch and somehow manage to turn it off, i know i'd be a whole better person. i was thinking of going back with her to Penang when she leaves, maybe its cause i haven't had a vacation in a long time, maybe thats why i am like Oscar the guy who lives in the trash can in Sesame Street.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
last year around this time, i was having a splitting headache because of my good friend Navein crazy driving around KL town to avoid the jam and to meet deadlines. we had to rush from the visa office, to the money changer and then go watch a football match. which i had no idea how he pulled all 3 off, considering how jam it started to get because of Merdeka. today, i'm sitting at home all alone....
so my other blog has officially ended today, and this will be the new home for my bitchings and ramblings and the occasional cryings.
dunno if i have to fetch my mom today, maybe i'll get to try Ravi's Bah Ku Teh if i do. this is weird just as i finished typing that sentence my mom calls me and asks me to come get her, FREAKY....
so my other blog has officially ended today, and this will be the new home for my bitchings and ramblings and the occasional cryings.
dunno if i have to fetch my mom today, maybe i'll get to try Ravi's Bah Ku Teh if i do. this is weird just as i finished typing that sentence my mom calls me and asks me to come get her, FREAKY....
rodent alert...
a month ago my mom told me our house had new guests, a huge wild cat, so i told her she is probably imagining things or she just saw a regular cat. then last night i heard my neighbours wife sreaming and then my mom screamed out for me. i came down and i saw two mongoose ,or raccoon looking like huge rodents eating the mangoes on my mango tree. incase you guys can't see them i've drawn a red square box around them.

those two were kittens (or whatever you call a baby mongoose), their mom was nicely dozing off just outside my neighbours house, inches away from their window. imagine if my neighbour didn't see the mongoose and had a very hot night and decided to keep his window open. so now we know it wasn't a human stealing all our juicy ripe mangoes

this one here is another kind of rodent alert. this little cute looking rodent has taken over my home as the new reigning queen. and now since i am back i have to rage war and reclaim all thats mine. oh don't trust that angelic looking face, she is evil and must be vanquished. she gave me goodnight kiss last night and tried to sleep on my bed. fear not, i had the strength to fight off her black magic.

damn she is cuuuuute, this war will be hardest i've had to face.

those two were kittens (or whatever you call a baby mongoose), their mom was nicely dozing off just outside my neighbours house, inches away from their window. imagine if my neighbour didn't see the mongoose and had a very hot night and decided to keep his window open. so now we know it wasn't a human stealing all our juicy ripe mangoes

this one here is another kind of rodent alert. this little cute looking rodent has taken over my home as the new reigning queen. and now since i am back i have to rage war and reclaim all thats mine. oh don't trust that angelic looking face, she is evil and must be vanquished. she gave me goodnight kiss last night and tried to sleep on my bed. fear not, i had the strength to fight off her black magic.

damn she is cuuuuute, this war will be hardest i've had to face.
so it's been a week now since i started this blog, though i'm still blogging on my old one 'A Year In The United Kingdom', i was thinking now that i am back here, most of my post will be about how this place sucks and how all i do for the rest of my time is think about...nvm.
once again, i'm still not sure if i should go thru with this? but then again, what harm could possibly come from bitcing about life, if i have to live it might as well bitch about it, right? i still have two days to think about it.
okay now gotta go back to the other blog.
once again, i'm still not sure if i should go thru with this? but then again, what harm could possibly come from bitcing about life, if i have to live it might as well bitch about it, right? i still have two days to think about it.
okay now gotta go back to the other blog.
Friday, August 19, 2005
couldn't stop either, so....
for a new beginning, i don't think so. lets start with something simple, for a new hope, hope for smiles and rainbows. but then again, i have a theme to live up to; Shit Happens.
see you in 10 days...
see you in 10 days...
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