Tuesday, August 30, 2005


last year around this time, i was having a splitting headache because of my good friend Navein crazy driving around KL town to avoid the jam and to meet deadlines. we had to rush from the visa office, to the money changer and then go watch a football match. which i had no idea how he pulled all 3 off, considering how jam it started to get because of Merdeka. today, i'm sitting at home all alone....

so my other blog has officially ended today, and this will be the new home for my bitchings and ramblings and the occasional cryings.

dunno if i have to fetch my mom today, maybe i'll get to try Ravi's Bah Ku Teh if i do. this is weird just as i finished typing that sentence my mom calls me and asks me to come get her, FREAKY....


Anonymous said...

wah sudah lupa fish and chips kah?

Unknown said...

nothing beats the good old Chapel Town Fish & Chips...