Saturday, December 24, 2005

the working adult...

how many times did we wanted to bitch slap our working friends who started talking about responsibilities, standing on their own two feet, being grown up and having no time to spend with us bummers. well i speak for you guys, A WHOLE FUCKING LOT...

the other day i was talking to Ric and he was like so you coming back for the Christmas weekend, and i went yeah, told him about how my parents are driving up to penang and he asked me if i am following with, instictively i told him, no i am working the next day! fuck me trice, i have become an adult. losing all sense of youth, fun, extreme measures of risk taking and weightlessness. for instance i opened a bank account today, and they offered me some savings plan where by in 10 years i can make around 15K, automatically i agreed to it as well. the old Raj would have said; 'bye bye suckers, i'm spending it on Uncle Jack...'

working is fun though, i am enjoying the process of learning new things everyday. though sometimes i am a little scared i am coming off too strong to certain people. i have the tendancy to intimidate, not intentionally. it's my nature and i know i will pay the price for it, someday if not soon.

yesterday i went to the night market at uptown with Navein. we humiliated St. Johns High School. i wanted to buy a wall clock for my apartment in Melacca and Navein picked one out and said it had a built in alarm, which, didn't actually. so the guy there said where got wall clock with alarm then everytime you wanna set it you have to take it off the wall. Navein said; 'sorry, i budak St. John, tak belajar lar..' and the shopkeeper was like, 'What year you went there, i am class of 76...!' -booya biatch.

i'm driving back on tuesday morning straight to work, so till then i think i wanna sleep. i'm (quote unquote Ricardo Ang Wee Keong) TIRRRREDD LARRR from getting up at 6 every morning. oh oh oh the worst part is i have no water heater, fuck! and my housemates or colleagues are making me look for a hard surface table every now and then to bang my head on. long story, for the details call me up, we'll go for drink and talk about it.


mr jp said...

Working adult already ????

sigh , gonna be my turn soon.

don't let 'the man' get you down :)

Anonymous said...

oi, don't kutuk St. John's!

ashlin said...

HAHAHAHAHHA GAGAK!! good one rajes!

Unknown said...

sorry boss, old habits die hard...