Tuesday, August 10, 2010

No Sharp Objects Allowed

You can't live like an idiot forever. You're bound to smell your own fart, eventually!

Monday, August 09, 2010


You know what's the worst thing that can happen to a guy? Getting caught in the middle of two F E M A L E S (Stressing the point about females)!

May it be two sisters, two colleagues, two toilet scrubbers, two bff's, two whatevers! If there are two of the same kind, get to know one and don't even bother to find out the name of the other. That's the best advice I can give any man out there...

Why do women feel that you have to take sides to be ON THEIR side? Just because I sit silently on the red corner, doesn't mean I'm cheering for the blue team, or vice-versa! This sisterhood thing is really a piece of crap I tell you. Once a month, they'll all band together around a fire and chant 'Men are bastards' two minutes later they'll be back stabbing on another over the same fire. And then they'll go around trying to recruit minions, and 90% of the time, it'll be us men. Whom, I have to admit la... We're quite stupid to hear them out in the first place. The next time a woman comes up to me and speaks about another woman, I.D.G.A.R.A.

For the last two years or so, I've befriended a lot of women and I'm sick and tired of being in the crossfire. This is warning to all those out there with make-up on, I'm am armed and trigger happy, if I hear so much as a peep about anyone of you trying to put me in between all your cat squabble. KABOOM...!

kapish? End of discussion, period!!!!!

p.s; My loyalties will always be offered to the one I refer to as, Honey!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

"Bye honey..."

How often do you hang out in front of your office in the mornings? Try this, go in early tomorrow and just stand and observe outside of your office building. Going in early to office has it perks, I get to 'conduct' sociology experiments (hehe!).

There is a huge majority of couples who carpool, and gosh, the antics they pull in the cabin while saying goodbye. Some are hilarious, some makes you go 'aaaawwww..' and some tells you to stay away from that person today. The couples who ride a motorcycle are the most affectionate to one another when they drop each other off. Well I didn't expect it but those who came in huge ass luxury cars, hardly say a word much less even give a wave 'tschuss'. I saw a couple play rock, paper, scissors; winner gets a kiss! I saw one couple wrestle each other and another couple synchronizing their pda's. Why, only God knows!

The obvious is that they didn't get enough of each other the night before. I say that's a thumbs up for our community today! Divorce rates are at it's highest but who knows, I see signs it may come down...