Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I See Better Through My Lens...

...Then my somewhat useless eyes


Although I'm not a fan of my birthdays, I am a fan of my friends and I am deeply overwhelmed by all the wishes I was getting yesterday. I got calls, text messages, Facebook messages coming in from all over the world and it was amazingly heart warming.

And to those 3 darling ladies who took me out for dinner last night, I have nothing but all the love in the world for you guys! Thank you!

Cabbies Unite!

A few weeks ago a friend and I decided to catch a midnight movie. So we headed over to KLCC and it was around 10:30pm, my friend pulled over outside KLCC while I ran in to collect the tickets. As I was making my way in I saw a Middle Eastern young dude beating the crap out of an elderly white male. The cabbies outside of KLCC were on-looking and pleading with the Iranian looking guy to stop. I was a little upset that they didn't stop him from hitting that elderly guy. I stepped in and pulled the other guy off the elderly man. And the Iranian took a swing at me and although I avoided it I think that was one swing he would regret for the rest of his life. The on-looking cabbies got really riled up as he took a swing at me and jumped him! They probably gave him a few broken ribs and a black eye. I then told then elderly white guy, who claims to be an American, to get the hell out of there and head to a police station and report the incident. The cabbies showed great spirit when a Malaysian was attacked by a foreigner and I can appreciate that a little. I only wished they had reacted sooner to calm the situation before it got into a fist fight.