We read about animal cruelty in the papers almost every other week. We hear about animal cruelty from a friend almost everyday. Videos, blogs and other post off animals being subjected to cruelty are up on the internet almost every hour, but only a handful of people are riled up about it. Why? Aren't our furry neighbors important enough to us to even kick up a fuss? Are we that busy fighting restaurant managers and people who rudely bump into us in the elevator that we can't even spend 5 minutes of our time to care about these victims here? What is wrong with us? It is a fundamental question that we need to be asking ourselves... I'm not asking everyone to pick up a weapon and go at it, I'm not even asking everyone to write letters or complaint to the authorities. I'm only asking you to start feeling the rage inside of you that this is wrong. It is because we are so busy trying to win the rat race we've become so tolerant about things around us that we've started to ignore everything that doesn't bother us. Nature will prosper without our presence but we will vanish off the face of this earth without nature. This is the big picture and we're not seeing it. Hey, I'm no saint. I drink bottled water everyday, it is something that I've realized over the last couple of weeks. I am a contributor to the worsened situation too. I do smack the house fly that crosses me wrongly and I eat as much meat as the next guy. I'm not going to go all vegan on the situation, nor start taking extreme measures but I have started feeling that what has been happening around us is wrong. And I'm asking everyone else to start feeling that way too. Or else, come the future there just won't be anything left for us to feel about.
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