This was on Halloween, at the Rainforest Sports Bar @ Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. Now I'm always not a fan of people mistreating animals. I know technically they weren't harming that poor little snake but a smart person would have known that snakes, don't have ears, they pick up on vibrations. The tiny steps of a little mouse, sends a tingle up their vibrations senses and the snake knows that there is a mouse near by. Have you felt the vibrations coming from the 20 very strategically placed speakers in a club before? Now imagine how confused and off his senses would that little snake feel? I felt like smacking that dumb idiot in the face until I found out that the snake didn't belong to this idiot, instead it belonged to the DJ of Rainforest Sports Bar.
Corporations who run a business need to run it with a certain code of ethics, cause let's face it,
I'm just one person, but I feel a place that takes it's name after a natural place like Rainforest is just being hypocritical when they don't take responsibility for when something like this happens! A snake may it be a pet, does not belong in a club, period! Stop exploiting that poor creature. The DJ needs to be a much more responsible pet owner and Rainforest Sports Bar needs to ensure that these things don't repeat itself.
With regards to your comment on the incident on Halloween nite at Rainforest Sports Bar, i sincerely appreciate your concern on people mistreating animals however for your kind information, the snake does NOT belong to the DJ and it was brought in by a customer and the management of Rainforest has notified the customer not to repeat such an incident again.
I would appreciate if you could gather sufficient information before accusing a person guilty of such a conduct.
Thanks again for your concern as we at Rainforest Sports Bar are also concern over mistreating of animals.
Raymond, thank you for taking the time to read this post and also to take the appropriate action to the matter.
With regards to whom the snake belonged to; on the day of the incident, from my queries I found out that it belonged to the DJ. But if you say it wasn't so, then I'll take that at face value. I do apologies if I wrongly accused the person in mention.
And I too am looking forward to take notice of Rainforest Sports Bar's concern on animal mistreatment issues.
Have a nice day.
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