Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To rubber or not to rubber...

I was watching a rerun of Seinfeld last night and there was a scene where George was complaining to Jerry about how they make condom packet so difficult to open and Jerry say; "well it gives the women a few moments to change their mind.." (Farnieee..!)

Which actually kinda got me thinking; 'the opening of the condom packet' moment is the only part of sex that is so uncool, isn't it? No matter what situation, where you are or who you're doing; the whole minute of two you take to reach for that aluminum'ish packet, tear it open and bloody put it on is like the most dork'ish thing a man can do during sex. It must look really REALLY dork'ish, come to think of it. Crap, why has this never occurred to me before? I wonder if there is a whole unwriten Man's Protocal on this, LOL!

Suddenly everytime I shut my eyes, I'm faced with flashes of all the times I've put it on and seriously it's nightmare'ish. For years now I've been doing the dorkiest thing in front of women and I'm also starting to wonder why they didn't change their minds when they so had a chance. Then again, I remember reading somewhere that rubber'ing yourself is supposedly the gentleman thing to do, really? I thought it was bringing her flowers...

I think I should start writing for sitcoms!


mellowdramatic said...

"One minute of two" Hahaha! You probably meant one minute or two, but this line is funnier...

It's like:

1st minute - Get this damn thing out of its aluminium foil, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon... Finally! Ah!

2nd minute - I'm done.

*rolls over and looks in his lover's eyes* Was it good for you too?


Unknown said...

I meant a minute of two, goes without saying... LOL!!!