Saturday, November 03, 2007

Selamat malam, Encik...boleh tolong buka booth?

seeing how last night was Ric's birthday, we all went out just to grab a couple of beers and a bite. afterward on our way back, there was a road block and the coppers told me to pull to the side. being me i thought he was waving me to go thru and i did. then realized no, he was asking me to stop. dude, tells me to open my trunk, so i do. then tell me go get down and i do as well. as i walk to the rear of my car, he tells me;

Copper: Wah booth ini lebih besar dari yang lama ahhh?
Me: yeah
Copper: baru angkat ke?
Me: yeah
Copper: berapa ah sekarang?
Copper: bagus ah ini kereta, mesti la, Toyota kannn....
Me: yeah

also dumbfound in the car were Ric. Shenn, Ash and Michelle. whom all had to show the other copper their IC (whom didn't ask to see mine, nor my driving license). funny thing is i had not sticked my Roadtax on my windscreen and the coppers could have booked me for that but instead they were more interested in the new Vios!!!!

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