Friday, October 15, 2010


There's something I want to get off my chest; Malaysian Animal Cruelty Laws SUCK!

Shoot, kill, plunder and destroy everything in our path just so that we can be the most dominant species. This has been humanity's contribution to mother earth since Adam and Eve. We've been the one common factor in the natural world's deterioration for far too long. When are we going to stop and say; we are the one creature put on this blue planet that can make a difference and start acting upon it?

The recent news of a licensed dog being shot in Tampin, Seremban is appalling! I pity these uncivilized souls because they couldn't even find an ounce of emotion or pity in them to stop themselves from committing this atrocious act! This is not the first time the Tampin Municipal Officials have done something like this? A few years back, they broke into a locked house (LOCKED) and shot (KILLED) 14 pet dogs. Half of which were Shih Tzus! Have you seen a Shih Tzu? They are one of the most cutest and smallest breed of dogs and even that didn't stop them from pulling the trigger!

I myself have two dogs and these two rascals of mine have shown me love that no other human being have. The kind of love we only read about in fiction; unconditional love beyond any claim. And if anyone as so much harm a whisker on them, I swear upon my grave that hell will be unleashed upon this unholy land! So I understand the pain Mr. Singaravelu and his family must be going through;

Dear sir, your fight for retribution for Johnny's death SHOULD NOT go in vain and I hope that the Malaysian Government open their god forsaken eyes and realize that the killing of animals is MURDER ONE too...!

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