Friday, March 14, 2008

Draft No.8 - I'm Back (What the fuck)

i know, i know... having a blog mean i've gotta update it once in awhile, forgive me, i'm a bad blogger. but at least not that bad, considering i had 7 drafts sitting in my dashboard. just proves to show i tried, heaheaha...

Draft No.1 - No Title
Man...i haven't blogged in a while. last i blogged was during the Uncle and Aunty's wedding. so lets continue where i left off. Christmas... what can i say, it's over. Hahahaha... (not much of a Holiday season person).......................

Draft No.2 - I Fucked Up
when a man asks a question...the assumes the answer he got was a straight one, Yes means yes and no means no. i am a man and i have no reason to react otherwise. New Years...traffic is bad and it sucks to be in one for 3 fucking hours and then go jump celebrate 2007...............

Draft No.3 - No Title
(nothing writen)

Draft No.4 - WTF (seems to be my fav title)
so i was initially in charge of operations in level3, then level5, then back to level3, then to level4, then back to level5, then overall OEE, then BPS and then got know what else... things change around here quite quick. i dunno if it is a good thing or a bad thing, come to think of it, i don't have an opinion on it at all...................

Draft No.5 - The First Vacation
(i'd rather not post what was drafter here)

Draft No.6 - I'm Back
wow... i am really neglecting my blog. i have not writen in ages. i notice that i have so many drafts in my dashboard. weird how i am not persuing to continue to write any of them....

Draft No.7 - I'm Back
(nothing writen)

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