Saturday, June 10, 2006

how do Porcupines mate?

so i decided i should be more involved with the World Cup season, so i stayed up till 5 to watch both opening matches;

Germany 4-2 Costa Rica
Poland 0-2 Ecuador

a good start for the host nation, i've never seen a more attack focused German side since 1990. but my favorite German squad will always be the 1996 Euro cup team. anyways, tonight we get to see if England are up for it.

hey...has anyone watched Cars yet, man i would love to be a car, i wish my life was like the movie. and the rumour was actually true, Pixars actually went and got Michael Schumacher to do the voice for a Ferrari. but overall i loved the movie, just loved it.

speaking of Schumacher, tonight is the qualifying rounds for the British GP, its a great venue for some racing action. its a horsepower track so its gonna be a level plane for most of the teams, but i'm looking forward to see how Renault do here, if they win it, the season is theirs, i guarantee it.

onto other things...

its weird how someone can make you feel better when they're around and for some reason you realize they're just procrastinating the inevitable, the seperation that was destined. sometimes you realize you are alone even though you're surrounded by people and yet sometimes you have so many people thinking of you even though you're surrounded by silence and darkness..and i have no clue what was my point that i am trying to make.

on a seperate note;

how important is it for you, when love making, your mate goes down on you?


p.s; the answer to the title is unsuccesfully.

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