Tuesday, April 24, 2007

grow a set

i wish everybody would grow a set of balls and just say what the fucking hell it is they wanna say!!! you have some message to convey to other put it in the exact words you actually want it to be heard and don't go all 'home deco' on your sentences, trying to make it all sound so nice and dandy as if you being nice. especially managers in Flextronics, yeah you bunch of bozos, if you are reading my blog i don't give a rats ass.

this is my blog and if i wanna dish out some genuine bitching phrased up in my own words, then it's my wish 'you fuck with me, then you're fucking with the best!'. already you guys got no balls to make decisions, causing us to do the fire fighting, no wanna go all noble and caring... bull'funky'shyte!!! no i seriously mean, every single one of them can kiss my brown ass.

you wanna tell me to shut the fuck up and do as you say, just come out and say it, least i'll respect the command you have over what the hell you want. don't come to me and say, it should be what i want to do as well. cause my name doesn't start with A.K. (ass kisser).

goodnight everyone and fuck you too...

p.s; not exactly going to bed but sounded more cooler to end that way.

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