Friday, November 17, 2006

which level do you fit in?

in this world there are many levels of people, i'm talking about understanding wise. if i went and talked about Manufacturing Ideologies to an accountant, i'd get my ass kicked by him. same thing if someone walked up to me and talked about quantum physics, i'd be a monkey in a chinese market, dead and ready to be served.

i'm just wondering, in a multinational organization, do the upper level management understand this? cause they are so result orientated that lose focus about the kind of people they're managing. we had this saying in my previous working experience;

'don't ask an operator to do an engineer's job'

so the question is now, who's gonna tell the management this?


shennwye said...

management doesn't care... as long as the job is done and sales are up.

Unknown said...

that sucks

shennwye said...

work sucks...can't live with it.. can't live without it...