so lets see where i am now..i'm still jobless but the job hunt is going well, lots of interviews and i seem to be impressing everyone of them (yet no one's giving me a job). i hope, no no no (confindence my boy)...i know i'll get a job soon, just a matter of time.
other than that...oh oh oh, meet Baby

she's the new addition to the family and don't be fooled by the size, she's only 7 months old. the problem now is to get Enzo to like her. he is a little, whats the word, anti-social. (i have no idea why isn't he trying to seduce Baby instead, dumb dog). here he is trying to get out of a scolding after messing up my brother's room. i drove up to penang last weekend and he slept like a baby on my mom's lap all the way, spoilt dog.

lately all i do is eat eat eat, me and Sarah have been going on a wild eating spree. though the both of us need to be on a strict diet but I.D.G.A.R.A., beside we've been doing her Marketing Strategy assignment on AirAsia for like 3 weeks now and i think its stressing her out (me as well). actually i think i'm slowing her down, heahaheahe, i'm such a devil.
i gotta blog more often, later...
The second doggy picture is Enzo? I thought he was black in colour from his puppy picture.
we thought he was black and white too, turned out he had brown hidden in him.
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