Thursday, June 07, 2007

how do pocupines mate?

very carefully (which i am not) or very unsuccessfully (which i am great at)

the comfortable feeling of solitariness is very discomforting to me. it's sad that i prefer to be alone these days. i'd rather just stay in, watch a little tv, surf the net or worst still, sleep in early. is it that i don't want to meet new people or is it i can't afford? i've been hit with bad luck when it comes to the matter of the heart and to be honest i'm starting to be okay with it. i mean, it's not like even if it last it stays the same. but i was just thinking last night how i've grown comfortable being alone.

one dowside though, i hate eating alone....

going down to JB this weekend, to meet James and Prem, Maruwa Makan Maruwa Machi weekend. lets see how it goes. i really liked the place we hanged out the last time. it was called the Zone. well it's no KL but the location and everything put together was really nice. i was thinking maybe life in JB won't be that bad after all, eh? i mean cheap booze and hot women, what else could a porcupine ask for?


ashlin said...

porcupine? hahaha're stil an EWOK!!

yeah so when r u gettin married?

oh & btw...from the spas pics below.... YOU'RE DAMN FAT!!!

lol...missed me? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Unknown said...

missed getting my head been bite off???

ashlin said...

awwwww u missed me....LOL