Thursday, January 05, 2006

Process/Production Engineer

errrm..whats my job again?

i've been here almost 3 weeks now and for some undertermined reson i still have no freaking idea WHAT THE HELL IS MY JOB SPEC?!!! yeah its cool and all being a working adult, matrix card to punch in and out, people (indon operators) calling you 'tuan Engineer' but i still feel i have no purpose here. though i'm stil in training but yeah...

so yesterday i was talking to my department HOD, and oh my can i learn a lot from him. and the first thing he said after me firing him with al my questions, 'Eh, you wanna go Japan ah? i think you can learn a lot there, later i talk to the EA, send you to Japan....'

what the FUCK? i don't even know what am i suppose to DO what am i suppose to learn, everything? this i smy way of breaking things down, start at the end product and develope it backward to design and conceptual stage, well as a capable engineer thats how i analyize or get my breakdown structure of any process. you getting a better understanding of things and you'll definitely get more questions out of your mind. so in my case now, we're not producing end user products, so we have customers specifications, now my way i to analyize and master our customers specifications and material requirement, i'm pretty sure as a process engineer i can get a better understanding of my very own process'. now, how do i convey this to my boss? wish me luck.

*news flash, on other matter involving me,

as it is i had to come back to Melacca of all places. the one place that can kill me with a single blow. i should, i repeat, I SHOULD have stayed in Leeds. that would have been wiser and a whole lot...ermmm, whats the word, majorly fucked?

Life = Sucks
Food = Sucks
What else is there = Sucks

anyone else out there doing any better? from Melacca, signing out....


mr jp said...

I guess life is generally nicer when you're studying ...

Oh man, i'm gonna have to start working soon...

Unknown said...

the moment you hear these words;

'Where do you see yourself in 10years?'


ellie ng said...

this is only your first job.take it easy,and never stop looking for a better job.

my first job was the same.nobody actually sat me down and gave me my job scope,but give it a month or two,and it'll register on its own....which usually means u'll end up doing a little of everything.