Saturday, February 06, 2010

Oh and I'm goooooooddd...

Have you ever stopped to wonder if you're good at anything? No I'm serious, are you good at anything at all and if you knew it would you say it? I mean, on a daily business scheme of things, we go about doing maybe a thousand things? Let's stop and make a list... Also let's see if we can say, we're good at any of these things?

1. Set the alarm
2. Turn it on
3. Go to bed
4. Pretend to go to bed
5. Pretend to pretend to go to bed

Okay I'm rambling... Onto more serious stuff

1. A hand shake
2. The take control of the room walk (When you walk into the room, you know?)
3. Kissing... (!!!)
4. Driving
5. Knowing which wine to pick
6. Make a kid laugh
7. At what you do at work
8. Play the game (You know)

I know a few people who are good at a few things, like my brother, he is good at computers. My best friend, he is good at gadgets. My girlfriend good with the monetary stuff. My mom, good in the kitchen. My boss, good on a spread sheet. Makes you wonder are you good at anything...


alejandra* said...

i always think that too... people tell me im good at many things.. isnt crazy no matter what people tell you over and over again about yourself... you just dont see it!
but i guess i can say im good at loving!!! i love to love... and im good at work... even though right now im not working but as soon as i start im sure i'll kick ass!

Anonymous said...

hi i love your blog and post - i'm a passerby anywayz i recommend you to put a chatbox in your blog so ppl can chat and leave comments there its easier than leaving comment on the post!

Adwita said...

This post has summarized the precise things I think! I keep asking myself the same question, and I am sure a lot of people do. Good one!