Sunday, December 20, 2009


As I look for a revival in my blogging habits, I look around to see what other revivals are out there worth talking about. One that comes to mind; Michael Schumacher's Formula One career. Is it all talk and probably not going to happen? I don't know, my name isn't Coreena! I'm a huge fan and even that is putting it lightly but do I really want to see him come back and finish 6th or 7th, race after race? Or watch him drive into the side-pods of his position contender? Is the Michael-Magic still there for this talented rain maestro to comeback to the racing circuits for one more season?

I dunno....

The revival of my diet program! Recently I went and got a full blood test and well let's just say the number didn't exactly paint a healthy story. I have to now watch what I eat and try (and I mean, really T R Y) to break a sweat here and there. Speaking of eat, or just plain simple consumables, the drinking isn't something that's on my corner either... LOL!

I dunno....

The revival of my last year's New Year's Resolution (wait, did I even I have?). Oh yes, I did have one (O N E !); "I wanna be happy at what I do for a living". To be quite frank that ideology hasn't really been too helpful to me this year when it has come to the decisions I have made concerning my career. Then again, I've been quite happy AFTER I made them, the whole 3 seconds I've had before reality kicked in. So technically this portion doesn't need a revival but some watering down!

I dunno....

All I know right now is that my blog has a chance of revival and it's that time of the year so here is to the holidays; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Unknown said...

Thank you Mr/Miss Anonymous....