oh i finally watched all the blockbusters...
Shrek 3, watched
Pirates of the Caribbean 3, watched
and a shocker,
Surf's Up, watched
which brings me to the fact the dude who plays the voice of the lead character in Surf's Up is Shia Labeouf. the dude plays the lead in Disturbia and Transformers. now how many summer movies did this guy make?
on a totally different note, is it just me or is Hilary Swank hot. i mean you don't see much of her on the covers of magazines like Angelina Jolie or Beyonce. okay, it's just me then. i think Hilary Swank is hot.
oh yeah, and another one of the Kensettians is getting married. oh man, i'm definitely getting old. and i was reminded to get a date for Ric's wedding. few things to scratch out this time around; no.1 don't be the only indian in a chinese wedding. no.2 if i am, then bring a date and no.3 don't wear a black suit.
err.. i dun think u would have to bring a date... u'll be too busy with wedding works :P
hah??? got work to do some more ahhh????
err.. ur the "heng tai" of the groom... of course u got work! maybe be the bouncer, or the alcohol coordinator, or help the groom drink? :P
the bouncer part no problem, i'm indian, i think i can do that.
the drinking part should come natural as well.
it's the alcohol coordinating part i'm having trouble with; everything is bound to just coordinate itself oneway; TO ME.
hahaha.. i guessed it would.. hence i said MAYBE :P
nvm...i insist on that job for the day
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