next month and it'll be a year since i've joined Flextronics. wow, how does time fly? i feel as though it was only yesterday i was busy sending out resumes (well, not that sending out resumes has stopped anyways).
to be honest there is a lot of things i can be learning in this company but unfortunately 3/4 of the time engineers here are fire fighting that we seldom have the time to learn something new and interesting. oh well, no point bitching about this. like i've said time and time again, the grass is always greener on the other side. every establishment you end up in you find shit, just in different shades of them.
i wonder if i'll ever start up my own business? always wanted to be my very own boss. run things the way i want and answer to nobody but myself. that way if i screwed up, i'll know i screwed up and have no choice but to take full reponsibilities for my actions.
but seriously these days everything starts to get old very quickly, aint i right? i mean you do something for a day and it feels as though you've been doing this for years and just want out. the world is moving so fast that it has moved past humanity. i was talking to Sarah yesterday and she was telling me how her dad talks to her about hardship all the time. i always wondered why is it in human nature to always want others to suffer just because we did? i mean take our dad's who always tell us, that they use to walk 3miles to school everyday and we are driven to school, remeber this old dialogue you dad use to give you when you were in school? here is the question you should ask your dads; 2000 years ago mankind ate raw meat, have they ever done that?, 1000 years ago mankind walked from one continent to another. why about 100 years ago people used horses as mode of transpotation and today we only hear the talk of horsepower??? things change and if they think we're not learning hardship then they are seriously mistaken. dude it is hard enough to stay alive this days. it's different from back then. they suffered from a different cancer than the ones we're going thru these days. every parent should understand that.
when we were a kid, they tought us how to ride a bike, have they ever wished we'd fall and hurt ourselves just because they did. answer is; no, so why is it they talk about hardship? they should embrace failure as part of life and not outcast children for their failures. let them lead their lives the way they want, you've done enough by giving them an education and nuturing them to become who they are today but now is time to let them bloom into what they aspire to become. it's time for you parents to become spectators and watch their childrens lives take flight. if it crashed, wait till your children ask for help to pick up the pieces, don't intervene and remind them how you knew it'll all go up in smoke.
these days i'm bored with life. even though my insomnia period is wearing off the affects of staying up late just thinking about stuff has taken its toll. i have no aspirations anymore, no direction. we reach a stage where we just wanna make money, i think i'm there. which seems so empty and futile. where do i go from here?
p.s; i'd make one rotten parent too