Saturday, December 02, 2006


it my confirmation period next week.

and now is the time people wanna test you to see if you'll break. i guess thats why i've been really really busy for the past two weeks. but i think i've proven i'm unbreakable (we're not talking health wise). i know i can handle pressure better than anyone else. i bitch and i complain but i can take it. to be exact, pressure keeps me on the edge, more competetive, so i get things done more effective and efficient.

speaking of efficiency...

Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) is a huge thing in the manufacturing world. it a way to measure how well the company is suing their investments (man and machine). to be honest to you, i really expected a company like mine to have already implemented this back in the early 2000. guess what, they're just starting. the one thing i'm really impressed with this company is that it is a giant and usually giants are afraid/hesitant of change, but not this giant. man things change within weeks, i'm talking manufacturing concepts, which a certain organization has come to grow into, all this are ever changing. i guess now i know why this company focuses on more change motivation trainings for their employees.


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