Thursday, November 10, 2005

tattoo SIFU...@#$%^&

so yesterday, i was at the post office waiting my turn, when this elderly uncle (the tattoo sifu, read on and you'll understand why) approaches me;

'is that a real tattoo boy?'

(do i farking look like i was gonna get a phony tattoo on my wrist but obviously to this guy)

'errmm..yeah it is'

still not leaving me to my business, at 9am i am still not in a very chaty mood, not that i am always in one, especially to nosy old uncles

'must have been expensive, i hear tattooes are expensive?'

(oh god, goooo awayyyy...why not ask me if it hurt)

'it is'

so for the next 7 minutes the uncle continues to bug me about his theories on tattooes and about people who get them;

1. women who get tattooes are hot
2. hot women who get tattooes are horny
3. Indian women who get tattooes are sluts
4. guys who get tattooes are trying to prove something
5. Indian guys who get tattooes are in a gang
6. rowdy looking Indian guys who get tattooes, sure ex-convict

you farking idiot, you better have a tattoo hidden somewhere up your butt to be such an expert on tattooes, you 50 year old fart, i hope you get murdered by an ex-convict in your home while watching Astro.

p.s; HE WAS INDIAN!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

How come the fella's got different definitions for non-Indians and Indians?

You should have told him that you are trying to prove that Indian guys with tattoos do indeed get pre-judged, and since you deemed to be in a gang, you have no alternative but to whack him for his kacau-ing you :-P

Unknown said...

it crossed mt mind but i decided to just walk away instead

ellie ng said...

at least he didnt say chinese women who get tattooes are sluts,or else i'd be up on that hate wagon with you.

Unknown said...

oh don't bother, he is not worth it...