Tough love! Who am I kidding? Here's to everyone who at one point of his life has ever uttered the words "I gotta give up drinking", cheers!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
Tough love! Who am I kidding? Here's to everyone who at one point of his life has ever uttered the words "I gotta give up drinking", cheers!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Stereo-typed Characters
Or James Cromwell play any other roles than the dad who put his career before his kids only to regret it later?
And I've personally never seen Glenn Morshower in a none military role.
I wonder if Hollywood has a list of actors that they can pick off for only certain roles... If real life was a movie God's watching. Damn, I'm out of one of those list too!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Things I Hate On The Road!
2. Botox faced aunties who drive luxury sports cars like it's a Myvi stuck in second gear!
3. Mak Ciks driving big SUVs or MPVs who can barely see the road and take FOREVER to make one turn of the steering!
4. Fellow brown brothers from Klang with their white Proton Wiras, dark tint with the All Blacks sticker, Sean Paul blaring out of their cheap stereos. Reason I hate them is cause they think they are Mike SueMacha and drive like pussies and just stare at anyone who go pass them!
5. First year students studying in KL from god knows where and drives a Kancil. FOREVER FUCKING LOST!
6. Out of towners who keep signalling left, then right, then left, then right, then left then right! Get proper directions or buy a fucking GPS or better still stay home!
7. Bloody white expats who think they are awesome drivers, fit for Formula One! If you were fit for Formula One, you'd come to Malaysia only once year you moron! Drive like a normal person and stop bullying people!
8. Drivers who get into a MINOR fender bender and stop on the extreme right lane IMMEDIATELY to check the damage and exchange information. MOVE to the nearest emergency lane and then do you business LAAAR!
9. Drivers who think they are of average speed and are in the middle lane. MORON, if the left lane is going faster than you it means you are of a SNAIL'S PACE!
10. The numbnuts who can't seem to stick to one lane and worse still doesn't know they've invented something called an indicator!
Breakfast Puzzles
Her neighbor asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"
The little silver haired lady says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a rooster."
Her neighbor decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster."
He takes her hand and says, "Secondly, I want you to relax. Let's have a nice cup of tea, and then," he said with a deep sigh, "Let's put all the Corn Flakes back in the box."
Monday, June 13, 2011
Where Did We Leave It...?
It's far from over. And much worse if that the clarity that I've had since being there is slowly but surely fading. What can I say; my mind is fickle. Leave it to me to take something pure and twist it up all into a tango of blueness and gray.
On a more healthier and delightful note; How many of you are actually shocked with gruesome pictures painted into your mind that Bulat has started working out?
To wrap things up for today edition of ramblings; I'm sorry, Bangla Petrol Kiosk Man!
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Dear Santa,
Now, I've been quite naughty in the past. I know I don't have to tell you, you're the man with the LIST. But I thought if I came clean and confessed to some of the things I've done, seeing how it is the spirit of forgiving and 'giving' and all... You'd put me back on the list! It makes sense, right Santa?
See, I'm quite a simply guy with a simple taste; So come this December, I'd like to have me'self one of these simple little boy's toys; Toyota FJ Cruiser. Preferably in Army Green, with the TRD 17" Black Alloy Rims and the FJ Auxiliary lights in the front and the top. The spare tyre cover, you can surprise me! I'm not that picky...
Aside from being simple, I'm quite a reasonable guy too. So Santa, you have till December if this letter somehow doesn't convince you that I deserve my toy, or else say goodbye to Mrs. Claus (last seen leaving the candy store). Like I said, I'm a reasonable guy, give me a call or something aye? We'll talk more. You take care now Santa, and send my love to Donder, Cupid, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Blitzen, Vixen and Rudolph...
Warm Regards,
A good kid!
p.s.; Mrs. Claus makes a fantastic batch of butterscotch cookies...!
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Bang Head Here
How difficult is it to be efficient? I put forward this question as globally as I possibly can. I've worked with the Swedes, the Germans, the Japanese, the all famous Americans and how not to forget the very diverse of them all, the Malaysians.
I have to say, that each of them bring forward a flavour that is unique in itself. I've never met a more professional than that of the Swedish. I've never met any more an efficient and cohesive unit than that of the Germans. If precision and perfectionism had to choice a country to reside, I think it'll pick Japan. The attention they pay to the minute details is awesome. Gun slinging, gung-ho, take no prisoners, bring it on... You take your pick how to describe the Americans. Their attitude towards the subject is always high spirited and most of all they know how to make things more interesting, even the most mundane of work...
Now the Malaysians; if we can first drop that huge ass ego of ours. Then, not to focus on the color of the other person's skin. Finally, if we can just learn to do things the right way, first time, straight away. I'd say we can out do any of these fellas above.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Step 1:
Buy about 5 discs. Look for discs that are specially designed to reduce risk of injuring your dog. Floppy ones are the safest bet.
Step 2:
First encourage your dog to take the disc out of your hand. Give her flattery remarks when she does, like "Yes" or "Good Girl"...
Step 3:
Play tug with her gently with the disc. Always let your dog win. Don't rip the disc out of your dog's mouth. She'll assume she's not suppose to bite it...
Step 4:
Throw the disc so it rolls on the ground. Dogs love to chase them this way. It helps them learn to zoom in and "target" the disc and pick it up.
Step 5:
Finally, simply throw the Frisbee.
Step 6:
Prepare to be amazed. Before you know it, your dog will be leaping up and gripping that Frisbee in her teeth.
I can't wait to try it!!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Leo unfortunately has abundance of arrogance, stubbornness, inflexibility, self-centeredness and laziness. But if you really wanna tick this roaring but sensitive beast off, try ignoring him! Better still give him a reality check and if that doesn't bring him charging down on you like you're a gazelle then just tell this Lion, he is NOT the King Of The Jungle!
*In case you missed it, that was you cue to run for your life*
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Code Of Thundera
My family was HOOKED on it and that's putting it lightly. I remember my dad and uncles coming home from work early just so they could also catch that 5.30pm cartoon and if they couldn't make it, they'd call ahead so we'd record it for them. Even my grandmother knew not to change the channel to another soap-opera during Thundercats. Haha!!!
The word of a new aged Thundercats being released come this summer has got the kid in me doing cartwheel and I pray they don't ruin it for me. Once again, we can re-live the code of Thundera; Truth, Honor, Loyalty and Justice. THUNDERCATS...... HHHHOOOOOO.....!!!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Most Diabolical Leader Of Our Time ~ Lex Luthor
I mean come on, no one goes the to the cinema to cheer on the bad guy to win, right? But there have been villains who were simply too good to be real, that for once, you'll go; "Oh, fuck the protagonist..."
Remember Kevin Spacey in Superman Returns? I could have sworn the movie should have been titled, Adventures Of Lex Luther! And now they're making another Superman movie. Here's a tip for the producers, if someone like Gene Hackman shows up for the auditions; just go ahead and kill Superman in the plot. The movie will sell!
What's worse is that they keep casting these unknowns for the part of The Man Of Steel. I mean come on guys! I'll be the first to admit, there is no replacing a one Christopher Reeves! The dude was a picture perfect Kal'El himself straight out of the comic strips. Can't we find someone with a little more grit to his name and a little more bust to his acting in this next movie... Puhleassse!
(That Smallville dude is the safest bet!)
London Dekha, Paris Dekha....
As a citizen, there is little they can physically do. The government may come up with many action plans but it will not be effective or efficient enough to clean up 200 years of a backdraft. There has to be a cultivation in a culture that strives for excellence in everything we do; from our daily task to our life goals. There is a spreading disease amongst the Indians called ‘Chalta hai’ that needs to be eradicated from their minds and that is where they need the government to focus on. How to change the mentality of the citizens?
The government can introduce a plan to control the oversized population but what use is a ruling over people who don’t understand why there is a ruling or what is the need for it? The government can also seek to provide literacy for the people, but what use will that do if they themselves take no effort to learn? The government can create thousands of job opportunities and again it will be pointless if the people are too lazy and ignorant to understand the need for individual and community growth.
What is the difference between an Ambani and the average Indian? What made Tata Birla the household name that it is today and why can’t an ordinary ‘bhai’ of the streets of Chandni Chouk set himself to be like Mr. Birla? What was the basis that motivated Vijay Malia to fly high in the air as compared to the hundreds of men dragging rickshaws in the city of Calcutta? Why is it that this country ranking third among the poorest of countries can also produce some of the top ranking millionaires in the world?
There is blockade in the people’s progress and the guilty party is none other than themselves. There is this culture amongst the average Indian; “Minimum effort exerted but maximum expectation on the returns”. And as a citizen, how can they break this blockade? Simply by starting at home, they should teach their young ones of the promise that was once India. They should teach them of progress and possibilities that lie ahead of them when the right amount of effort and dedication is shown. There has to be a revolution within oneself to rise beyond the call of duty. The average Indian has to spearhead his own progress without waiting for some form of opportunity, he has to plow his own path to success. The average Indian cannot stop to blame another for his losses but pick himself up and move on to bigger and greater heights. This mentality is what pushed Japan, which was once a bare wasteland, effects of an atomic bomb to now becoming what is one of the most advanced cities in the world.
Can they do it? Time will tell…
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Cause We All Walk Under The Same Moon
Here is where we are similar to the Indians;
A Malaysian will be 30minutes away but when questioned, he'll say; 5minutes, on the way. On the other hand an Indian will be 5 minutes away but when questioned, he'll say; 30minutes, on the way. The first is 'tidak ape' the second is 'chalte hai'. Both bears a venomous fruit to society. Being inefficient is not a crime but when you cry about it and at the same time do nothing to change yourself, then I must say; hypocrisy is a crime.
While my stint here in India, I've met some very interesting people;
I met a guy from Calcutta and from the stories he has told me, I've come to believe there is a river with gold flowing through it during the summer. I met another guy from Uttar Pradesh and from the stories he has told me, I've come to believe in the winter it snows of fairy dust and magical things can happen. I met a bloke from Tamil Nadu and from the stories he has told me, I've come to believe that once a year it rains of gold coins. And from the stories I've told all these fellows, Malaysia is a place that will chew you up like cheap tobacco and spit you out to rot in the gutters.
We can learn something from each other here; Perhaps the Indian should criticize his country a little and perhaps the Malaysian should criticize his country a little less.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
The Swedish G Spot....Errmmm, G Force I Mean!
I guess this probably inspired the article in today's paper; The Top 10 G Spots. Listing places from Namibia to Budapest to Phuket for vacation spots to get that 'orgasmic experience'.
I say they left out one such spot; The Volvo 850 T5R. The gently sloping hood provides the ideal angle and the right leverage for more bang for buck! And if that's not your cup of tea, then head over to the rear of the car where the stationwagon power train machine gives you a window of pleasure and space enough plow your every vivid drive!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Till Death Do Us Unity
The past two week, I've been haunted by the Grim Keeper himself. It's been a morbid fortnight and I hope summer time brings a little sunshine of joy. Day by day for the past two weeks, I've lost one cute little fella to the cold winter of Calcutta and to top it all off, my dreams have been only about death. Mine, his, her's, them etc. You name it, they've died in my dreams in the last two weeks. I was even present at the Kennedy Assassination last Tuesday. And just this morning I was gunned down in a hospital, Godfather style! Took nine shots to put me down.
My mom once told me that her mom told her; dreaming of death is actually good luck, go figure. The elders had a sick sense of humor. Imagine your grandmother telling you bedtime stories from the crypt; "Goodnight sweetie, don't let the defibrillator bring you back to life"...
Just yesterday in the papers the above article was up. It's really sweet to see the bond between man and dog after the week I've been through. It makes you wonder, how much does your dog mean to you. The sentiment is of course; life goes on but who are we kidding here, it's not easy to bury unconditional love.
God = Love, Dog = Unconditional Love, Dog = God?
It is after all the same spelled backwards. So to answer the question;
If God had a name, what would it be and would you call it to his face? If you were faced with him in all his glory what would you ask if you had just one question?
Sit Bubu, sit....
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Indian Shoemaker's Log
This week would mark a whole month of my "Stranger in Calcutta' episode. The experience has been bittersweet, something I can always look back and say; "Hey, that wasn't too bad, now was it?". Being chauffeured around like the President is definitely something I can get used to. And a Chai-walla who brings me the best tea I've ever tasted in the cutest little tea cups is above all; luxurious. A laundry man who gets my collars just the way I like 'em is the icing on the cake! If I had my way, Deepak and Shurjeet is coming home with me!
But there are days I wanted to go from bed to airport straight but that's only normal cause there is no place like home. As I sit here to think about the journey thus far; Somewhere along the lines a few veins have gotten blurred and some swollen up and that 17 year old arrogant prick slipped into a coma. The bust of all that's happened in 2008 till 2010 has made my inner self a stronger person. Strong enough to wake that 17 year old up and tell him; "Haare bhai, challo! Thoda kaam karo!" and this time around, I've learned a trick or two to keep that prick in line.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Life Goes On
When I first got here in Batanagar, Calcutta; I discovered a litter of puppies in the neighborhood. Actually I found just one guy; Joshua and he led me to his brothers and sisters. They were the cutest things on earth. They showed so much spunk and grit about them that my spirits were lifted every time I saw them. There were two black pups, two white with black patches, one brown and one white with brown patches. The six of them were the limelight of my evenings...
It had become a routine for me to save some of my dinner and give it to them and usually it's just 2 pieces of roti. But last night on my way back from dinner I discovered that Joshua and one of the black pups had died, the poor little fellows froze to death. It was so heart wrenching to see Joshua lay there still as ice.
Earlier, I had mentioned that there were two black pups, remember. Well now the remaining black pup which was inseparable from the other one has isolated itself. It is has given up on life and I'm guessing it misses the other black pup. Every time I think of this little fellow, who just won't give up on his twin, the tears just start pouring with no control. Dogs are truly heaven sent!
"The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's"
-Mark Twain in 1899
Friday, January 07, 2011
The Bald And The Beautiful
Speaking of hair, I found a strand of Baby's fur in my camera bag. I miss that fur-ball...
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Volunteers Wanted For A PETA Event...
In Malaysia, unwanted animals are often abandoned on the streets, joining countless other stray dogs and cats in a struggle to survive. Many of these animals starve to death, are injured or killed in fights, are hit by vehicles or are abused. Many more animals are euthanized in shelters because of a lack of good homes. Every time someone buys a dog or cat from a breeder or pet store, a homeless animal roaming the streets or waiting at an animal shelter loses a chance at finding a loving home.
The solution is as easy as ABC: animal birth control. Spaying one dog or cat can prevent countless births. Sterilized animals also live longer, healthier lives and are less likely to roam, fight or bite. We need your help to make these demos successful! Please contact me if you're able to help in any of the following ways:
- We need volunteers who can attend our event, dress up in costumes (provided) and assist us in speaking to the public.
- We need volunteers who can make follow-up calls to media outlets in Bahasa Malay. The calls need to be done the afternoon before and/or the morning of the demo. The calls are very simple and are just intended to verify that the media outlet has received our news release. We are grateful for any help with media calls – even five calls can make a big difference!